Tree Surgeons Lancaster

Lancaster Tree Care and Tree Surgery Services

Lancaster Tree Surgeons (LA1): We all like to look at trees, and having trees growing in our garden is an added bonus for offering welcome shade on a hot summers day, for adding beauty and colour and for providing a home for birds and wildlife. However, trees are living organisms and may suffer damage in windy conditions, become unhealthy and diseased or get far too huge for our gardens in Lancaster. If you are having problems with your trees in Lancaster, the best person to contact is a tree surgeon.

Lancaster Tree Surgeon Quotes (LA1)

Tree surgeons play an essential role in the maintenance and general care of trees for a wide array of customers in Lancaster - both private and public. There are countless examples of services that a qualified tree surgeon in Lancaster will be able to provide: hazard assessments and inspections, the safe planting of trees, felling, the pruning of weak, dead or intrusive branches, together with general tree care.

Professional Tree Surgeon Lancaster Lancashire

However, a tree surgeon's work doesn't end with trees alone. Further duties of a tree surgeon in Lancaster can include shrub care, stump removal and hedge maintenance and pruning. The best individual to call if you've got any doubts about the structural integrity of a tree is a tree surgeon, because they'll be able to inspect your tree, put together a report on possible hazards, and give you suggestions about ways to proceed.

Any sensible person in Lancaster would understand that tree surgery is a hugely risky business, and that it should not be tackled by anyone who's not professionally trained. Whilst it may appear tempting to avoid the costs and go for a DIY approach, it's definitely not the smartest decision to make. Tree surgeons have to be experienced, physically fit and qualified to undertake the work they are required to do.

Tree surgery often involves the use of dangerous power tools whilst elevated in the air and harnessed to a tree. So, you can see why it is not a task for novices! Tree surgery is also commonly performed by a team of experienced tree surgeons, including a ground crew and climbers, who are all specialists in their field. Competing with this level of experience, competence and risk assessment to complete the work, would be nigh on impossible for any untrained individual.

Local Tree Surgeons Lancaster (01524)

When you've made up your mind that you need the help of a qualified tree surgeon in Lancaster, you should take steps to find a trustworthy one. But, how is this to be accomplished? Well, there are certain things that you will want to check, such as qualifications and costs. Below, we'll give you some helpful tips for finding the ideal tree surgeon to maintain, carry out and care for your tree needs.

To dispel any doubts that they are competent and correctly accredited, you first of all need to make sure they have the right certifications. The main governing body for tree surgeons and the one that issues qualifications is the the National Proficiency Tests Council. At the bare minimum, any Lancaster tree surgeon should hold the following certificates:

  • NPTC 203 (CS31) - Fell and process small trees up to 15 inches (380mm) diameter.
  • NPTC 206/306 (CS38) - Tree climbing and aerial rescue.
  • NPTC 308 (CS39) - Operate chainsaw from rope & harness.
  • NPTC 201/202 (CS30) - Maintenance of the chainsaw, on site preparation, & basic crosscutting.

Holding such qualifications both demonstrates that they've a decent level of training, and gives you reassurance that the work will be carried out safely and successfully, despite the fact that tree surgeons are not legally obliged to have these certifications. As there is always a risk of falling from considerable height, and a chance of life threatening injuries, it is essential that forestry workers, tree surgeons and arborists carry a comprehensive First Aid kit, and undergo some basic training in First Aid techniques.

Next off, you can ask several tree surgeons in Lancaster to give different price quotes for the tree surgery, and check the breakdown of costs. You may notice that the removal of the significant amounts of waste frequently generated by tree surgery work will sometimes not be included in the costs quoted. The process of removing this waste can involve substantial cost and inconvenience to the client, therefore if it's possible to get the tree surgeons to remove and dispose of this themselves, it would certainly be preferable.

Click Here For Tree Surgery Estimates in the Lancaster Area

Also, you should be ready to ask potential tree surgeons loads of key questions when you come face to face with them. By way of example, you need to make sure you know who's going to do the work. Would you be able to meet up with them before work begins? Will it be one individual working on their own, or will it be a gang of workers? What impact will it have on my home/my neighbours? What will be the method for removing your tree? What's the timescale for the work?

The more questions you ask, the less likely it is that you'll receive any unexpected surprises as work progresses.

Tree Surgery Lancaster (LA1)

You should also listen to the things your tree surgeon says. In particular, you should listen to the way they describe the work, since this can be a useful tool for assessing their standard of professionalism and expertise prior to work commencing. If somebody is talking about 'lopping and topping', this is often associated with the more old-fashioned workers, who will possibly not be familiar with modern techniques and technologies. The right terminology will be used by a professional, experienced and skilled tree surgeon in Lancaster, who'll reel off phrases like 'crown lifting', 'crown reduction', 'crown thinning', 'pollarding' and 'pruning'. While this might not always be indicative of ability, it can be a useful clue concerning the level of expertise attained by your tree surgeon.

To summarise, when you have tree care or tree surgery needs in Lancaster, it is always worthwhile to consult a variety of different tree surgeons. If you find the best one, you can count on having a professionally undertaken job, taking all possible hazards into account and ensuring all your needs are fully catered to in a timely manner.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Lancaster Lancashire

Tree Transplanting Lancaster

Tree Transplanting Lancaster (01524)

Transplanting trees and moving them to other areas has become a fairly straightforward process with the introduction of vehicle mounted tree spades and other nifty tree lifting equipment. Fully-grown trees can be replanted onto new ground to create an instantly landscaped look, or out-of-control woody areas can be thinned out without needing to resort to tree felling.

If you have no choice but to move a tree in Lancaster in the warmer seasons of summer and spring, you must minimise the stress of the process on the tree's roots by thoroughly soaking the soil before any work commences. To lift a tree from the earth a tractor based mechanical tree spade is pushed down into the ground to surround the root ball, before hauling the entire tree free. The tree can then be temporarily stored before its transplanting in a new location.

If you want to move a tree from land that's got a preservation order upon it, a certified tree moving company in Lancaster can communicate with appropriate agencies to approve replanting in an agreed location. It should be possible to find transplanting specialists in Hest Bank, Slyne, Caton, Scale Hall, Quernmore, Torrisholme, Galgate, Bulk, Milnthorpe, Halton, Scotforth, Halton Green, Stodday, Skerton, Aldcliffe, and Lancaster, Lancashire..

Protecting Shrubs & Trees in Winter

Protecting your trees and shrubs in winter is possibly a measure that you've not thought that much about, maybe presuming that the winter conditions in the UK aren't usually harsh enough to warrant this. In actual fact, even shrubs, plants and trees that we normally think of as being hardy, will benefit from some additional protection in the cooler winter season.

High winds and storms can be the biggest problem when trees are involved, and although come winter most of your trees will have already shed their leaves, they may still be at risk in extreme conditions. If the weather in Lancaster is windy, and a tree on your property looks to be damaged or at risk of falling, it's advisable to bring in a tree surgeon to check whether any remedial action is required. You can also have issues with breaking branches due to heavy snowfall, so when this type of weather is anticipated, be on the lookout for possible damage. A substantial layer of mulch round the base of shrubs and trees (particularly recently planted ones), can help in keeping the roots frost-free and stopping them from becoming dehydrated.

Tree Root Problems Lancaster

Problematic Tree Roots Lancaster Lancashire

Certain trees have got particularly aggressive root systems, and can cause problems if they are growing too close to your house in Lancaster. Problems that may occur include blocked drains, damaged foundations and cracked patios. Very invasive root systems are found in species like elms, maples, willows and sycamores.

Problems can be averted down the line, if you make sure that you plant any new trees as far away as possible from patio areas, your home, pathways and your drainage system. You must speak to a tree surgeon in Lancaster, to see what can be done to resolve the situation, if existing trees are growing too close to your dwelling and are causing one or more of these issues.

You should not attempt to solve this yourself by simply cutting out the offending tree roots, because this could severely affect the health of the tree or even kill it in some cases. Understanding which roots can be cut, and which roots should be left in place is the domain of the specialist, and a knowledgeable Lancaster tree care specialist will ensure that the tree can still get adequate water and food to survive.

Structural problems in subterranean drainage systems are often caused by shrub and tree roots, because a consistent source of water and nutrients is present in these settings. Joint failure and blockages can arise when a drainage system's joints are invaded by small roots, which can ultimately develop into substantial root balls once they've established themselves. Many Lancaster tree surgeons will provide professional root removal services, which will include using high pressure jetting, mechanical equipment or manual rod clearance. (Tags: Invasive Tree Roots Lancaster, Drain Root Removal Lancaster, Tree Root Problems Lancaster, Problem Tree Roots Lancaster).

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

A dangerous fungal disease affecting ash trees, that was first recorded in the United Kingdom in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is likely to wipe out approximately 80 percent of the current ash tree stock. Having an equally calamitous impact on the British countryside as Dutch Elm Disease, ash dieback is just another blow to the UK's tree stocks.

Ash dieback has a particularly devastating effect on the native Fraxinus excelsior (common ash), British Fraxinus excelsior (common ash), although it affects the whole Fraxinus genus of trees, with different levels of tolerance. Originating in Asia, the fungus which causes the disease is named Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.

Ash dieback (or chalara ash dieback as it is sometimes known) has already spread to most regions of the British Isles, and is dispersed by microscopic spores that blow on the wind, which are able to travel for tens of miles, accelerating the process.

Impacting tree of any age, ash dieback can be recognised by the following symptoms:

  • Dark patches on leaves during mid to late summer.
  • Foliage that wilts, turns black and falls early.
  • New epicormic growth appearing from buds that were dormant previously.
  • Dying leaves and shoots which are visible during the summertime.
  • Dark brown necrotic lesions form where branches meet with the trunk.

Stronger ash have the ability to fight off the infection to a certain extent, but ultimately succumb to continual attacks. Currently there is no obvious method for stopping the spread of achalara ash dieback, and there's no cure or effective treatment.

While the Forestry Commission's "Tree Alert Service" is currently only interested in hearing about cases reported in new locations where ash dieback has not previously been documented, if you're concerned about an ash tree in your garden in Lancaster, you should contact a local tree surgeon to confirm that you are correct in your diagnosis and suggest a solution.

Removal of Tree Stumps Lancaster

When you've got a tree that needs felling and removing on your property in Lancaster, there's also a tree stump to think about. In certain circumstances it might be possible for you to simply leave the stump exactly where it is until it rots and breaks down on it's own. However, tree stumps can attract unwanted pests, be an eyesore, and a trip hazard.

There are a number of ways that you can remove a tree stump, if you determine that this is the best course of action, but the 2 main choices are stump grinding and stump removal. In the following few sentences, we will be looking at the option of removal.

Digging out by hand, chemical treatment or burning, are the 3 main methods of getting rid of a tree stump. If you wish to take a shot at tree stump removal yourself, you could choose any of these tactics when suitable. If you're hiring a tree surgeon in Lancaster, they will normally plump for the aforementioned stump grinding option.

Chemical Stump Removers: For the chemical removal of a tree stump you'll need to invest in Vitax SBK Stump Killer, Resolva Xtra Tough Tree Stump Killer or Roundup Tree Stump Remover. When using these products you should closely follow the manufacturer's directions, as such chemicals can be incredibly dangerous. Subject to the dimensions of the tree stump, and whether it is dead or alive at the time of treatment, it can take quite a few weeks or perhaps even months for a stump to rot down entirely, so regard this as a long term resolution. As soon as it is well rotted, it can be chopped up with an axe and dug out with a spade.

Tree Stump Removal by Burning: Because it can be quite dangerous and could be at variance with local legislation, burning a tree stump isn't really recommended, so if you use this method, be very careful. The burning process comprises drilling out a number of holes in the stump, filling keeping them topped up with vegetable oil for a number of days until soaked. Charcoal or logs can then be heaped around the tree stump and lit. Somebody will have to continually monitor this until the fire is safely burnt out. Once the stump has finished burning, make sure the fire is fully extinguished, allow it to cool down and then proceed to dig out the stump ashes and roots.

This isn't the only way to burn a tree stump, you could also try shoveling out all the soil from beneath the stump and setting a fire in the cavity which has been made underneath. If your stump is in close proximity to buildings, other trees or fences, you shouldn't use any of these burning techniques.

Digging Out by Hand: The technique for digging out by hand is pretty self-explanatory, and calls for shoveling out out as much of the soil as possible from around the roots and base, cutting any major roots with a chainsaw, and lastly freeing up the stump so it can be lifted out. The use of a cable ratchet winch might be necessary for the final freeing and removal of the tree stump. This is tedious and exhausting work.

Leylandii Hedge Removal Lancaster

In Lancaster, many homeowners favour the Leylandii hedge due to its fast growth and ability to offer privacy. Despite their benefits, they can quickly become unwieldy and require significant maintenance. There are a few vital things to bear in mind when contemplating the removal of a Leylandii hedge. The first step is to confirm that the hedge isn't safeguarded by any legal designations such as a Tree Preservation Order. If the hedge is protected, you will have to acquire authorization from the local council before removing it. Furthermore, Leylandii hedges can have far-reaching roots, emphasizing the importance of engaging an experienced tree surgeon to safely remove the hedge and its roots. After the hedge is removed, it's important to dispose of the waste in a way that is environmentally sound and responsible. In conclusion, removing a Leylandii hedge can be a risky and time-intensive process, making it crucial to take the necessary safety precautions and potentially hiring a professional if needed.

Skills and Knowledge Needed by Tree Surgeons in Lancaster

  • Have an organised and methodical working approach.
  • Have patience and the ability to remain calm and focused in times of stress.
  • Have necessary computer skills and know how to accomplish basic tasks on handheld devices.
  • Decent customer skills.
  • Be able to work well with your hands.
  • Be professional and able to complete tasks within a specified period.
  • Physical skills like movement and coordination.
  • Be capable of repairing, using and maintaining tools and equipment.
  • Have a good understanding of public safety and security.
  • Be aware of the complexities and dangers involved in all aspects of the work.
  • The cabability to work successfully other people.

Woodland Clearance Lancaster

Woodland Clearance Lancaster (LA1)

The clearance of woodlands in the Lancaster area is a sophisticated process that can be affected by a number of regulations and restrictions. To ensure all pertinent permits are gathered, land covenants and restrictions are followed, and that all strategies for completing the clearance are ecologically responsible, an established Lancaster tree surgeon should be appointed to oversee and complete the project.

A thorough site survey will be carried out by a tree surgeon who will also communicate with woodland organisations and authorities to ensure that your clearance is done legally and safely. Mitigation strategies might need to be employed if there's protected animals or plant species on the site; this could call for the relocation of creatures such as bats or reptiles, and the replanting of rare trees to another protected site.

Because of the equipment used in woodland clearance, i.e. felling, mulching and chipping machines, it's usually more economical to call on an accredited tree surgery company to oversee the work. (Tags: Woodland Preservation Lancaster, Woodland Clearance Lancaster, Woodland Clearances Lancaster, Woodland Management Lancaster).

Tree Removal Lancaster

Tree Removal Lancaster

Trees can be beneficial, so the removal of a tree should be the final resort. On the other hand, of course there are bona fide factors behind tree removal on your premises or garden in Lancaster. Among the more frequent factors behind needing to fell a tree are when: the tree is in the way of new construction project, your tree is a hazard to safety, you have a dying/dead tree, the roots of a tree are destroying foundations/retaining walls, your tree has grown too large, the tree has been uprooted by the weather or your tree is diseased/infected.



When it comes to the tools that are used by Lancaster tree surgeons, the chainsaw is the most commonly seen. Petrol driven chainsaws are the most popular with tree care professionals, because of their ease of use and greater portability, although mains versions can be purchased, as can rechargeable battery chainsaws which have become popular in some situations. Where large trunks and thick branches are involved, such substantial tree work calls for the use of the most robust and powerful petrol chainsaws.

Comprising a revolving chain containing a series of razor-sharp teeth that cut through the bark and wood, a chainsaw is actually a relatively simple piece of equipment. There are also a variety of styles of chainsaw, top-handled for working at height (and which can be operated single handedly if necessary), pole saws for hard to reach branches and long distance pruning and rear-handled for working on the ground (must be used with two hands).

You will almost never find a professional Lancaster tree surgeon who does not use a chainsaw, although being high up in a tree with a rapidly twirling blade in your hand isn't isn't the safest thing to be doing. To be able to gain membership of the Arboricultural Association (AA), being trained in the maintenance and safe use of chainsaws is one of the main conditions.

Although there are numerous different chainsaw brands available to tree surgery specialists, the most popular in Lancaster are Husqvarna, Makita, Hyundai and Stihl.

Tree Surgery Tasks Lancaster

Tree Surgery Tasks Lancaster UK

Lancaster tree surgeons will likely help you with arboriculture, tree staking, formative pruning, soil terraventing, tree care, eco-plugging, dead wooding, crown raising in Lancaster, domestic tree surgery, stump removal, forestry management Lancaster, brush cutting, pollarding, hedge lowering in Lancaster, crown reduction, tree dismantling, pest control, tree work in Lancaster, woodland management, hazard assessment, cabling, crown removal, emergency tree surgery, coppicing, tree planning, tree shaping, vegetation management, woodland clearances, shrub maintenance, tree watering, woodchipping, hedge laying, tree management, safety inspections, stump treatment and other tree surgeon services in Lancaster, Lancashire. These are just a selection of the tasks that are accomplished by tree surgeons. Lancaster companies will be happy to tell you about their entire range of services.

Tree Surgeons Near Lancaster: Also find: Slyne tree surgeons, Quernmore tree surgeons, Scotforth tree surgeons, Skerton tree surgeons, Aldcliffe tree surgeons, Torrisholme tree surgeons, Bulk tree surgeons, Galgate tree surgeons, Scale Hall tree surgeons, Caton tree surgeons, Milnthorpe tree surgeons, Halton Green tree surgeons, Hest Bank tree surgeons, Stodday tree surgeons, Halton tree surgery and more. All of these towns and villages are catered for by tree surgeons. Lancaster homeowners and others can obtain quotes by clicking here.

(Created with tree surgeons Lancaster text version three.)

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(This tree surgeons Lancaster content was compiled on 28-06-2024)