Tree Surgeons Blandford Forum

Blandford Forum Tree Surgery and Tree Care Services

Blandford Forum Tree Surgeons (DT11): So, you care for your beautiful garden and you revel in doing the many gardening chores that arise through the year. However, there are several particular chores which you really shouldn't attempt on your own. One of those chores is tree surgery. If you've got any work that needs to be done to your trees in Blandford Forum, other than tidying up or pruning, you'll have to call on a registered tree surgeon.

Blandford Forum Tree Surgery Quotes

Tree surgeons can be employed for a myriad of factors relating to trees and their care. The most frequent aside from addressing wind ravaged or hazardous trees are creating tree management or maintenance plans to keep your trees in good condition, reducing or thinning trees to create more light and space in the garden, extracting old tree stumps that are causing annoyance and monitoring trees for damage or disease so that problems can be tackled before they get any worse. The making safe of damaged or dangerous trees is undoubtedly what they are best known for, and you'll often notice them working hard after stormy weather.

Tree Surgeon Blandford Forum Dorset

As, where trees are concerned there can be both safety and conservation issues, you must call on a registered Blandford Forum tree surgeon if any trees need attention on your property. They'll need to have suitable public liability insurance in case of accidents and should really be affiliated with a professional trade body such as the Arboricultural Association. It is equally important that they carry out legal checks to be sure that any of the damaged trees aren't covered by TPO's (Tree Preservation Orders). All dependable tree surgeons will also help you to tender tree work applications to your local authority, which often take anything up to about 60 days.

Safety is obviously the paramount concern when carrying out any sort of tree surgery in Blandford Forum, and your tree surgeon needs to be familiar with all the necessary safety procedures. He will be kitted out with all the essential gear to safely work on your trees and make certain that they're not in any way harmed, nor is any damage done to your home or your family while the work progresses.

Tree Surgeons Blandford Forum (DT11)

When your tree surgeon arrives he or she will unload an array of tools and equipment, much of which he or she will employ for either chopping branches off the tree, going up the tree or the treatment of the waste materials that result from the work. Such tools include the likes of slackline kits, harnesses, stump grinders, rigging pulleys, chain saws, lowering winches, wood chippers, winches, axes, pole saws, rigging ropes and climbing ropes. Some of this apparatus is extremely clever and helps to make the whole procedure just a little bit safer and easier.

It is advisable to make certain that the tree surgeon will ethically remove and dispose of all the tree waste from the area once the process is finished. Properly disposing of any generated waste materials needs to be a duty of care for any legitimate tree surgeon. It is crucial that they hold a waste carriers licence and that the waste branches and wood are taken away from your property and got rid of appropriately.

Tree Surgery Blandford Forum (01258)

Tree surgeons do not solely work in Blandford Forum, but additionally in encircling areas such as Blandford St Mary, Durweston, Shillingstone, Charloton Marshall, Pimperne, Littleton, Bryanston, Stourpaine, Child Okeford, Langton Long Blandford, Tarrant Keyneston and so on. Thus, wheresoever in the Blandford Forum area your house is, you will be able to uncover an experienced tree surgeon, and likewise throughout Dorset and neighbouring counties.

Blandford Forum tree surgeons also oversee protection and preservation of woodlands, in addition to the climbing, removal and trimming of trees. By means of careful observation they are able to pinpoint potential hazards which may put passers by in danger. Making certain that trees are healthy, disease-free and able to prosper and grow, is a vital part of their obligations.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Blandford Forum Area

Tree surgery can be provided in Blandford Forum and also in nearby places like: Blandford St Mary, Durweston, Shillingstone, Charloton Marshall, Pimperne, Littleton, Bryanston, Stourpaine, Child Okeford, Langton Long Blandford, Tarrant Keyneston, and in these postcodes DT11 1BB, DT11 1SR, DT11 7HB, DT11 7AH, DT11 1SL, DT11 7FQ, DT11 7EW, DT11 7DH, DT11 7FR, DT11 7HP. Local Blandford Forum tree surgeons will most likely have the postcode DT11 and the telephone dialling code 01258.

If you need this sort of assistance it's unquestionably best to hire an approved local tree surgeon. Blandford Forum homeowners can benefit from the expertise and knowhow offered by a trained professional.

Woodland Clearance Blandford Forum

Woodland Clearance Blandford Forum (DT11)

Carrying out woodland clearance in the Blandford Forum area can be impacted by local and national regulations in place, subject to where the ground is, and what fauna and flora is found in the space which is going to be cleared. An experienced tree surgeon in Blandford Forum will provide you with a comprehensive service that will comply with all laws and covenants on the land, and will also do the clearance in an environmentally friendly way.

An extensive site survey will be performed by the tree surgeon who'll also communicate with woodland authorities and organisations to make sure your woodland clearance is done safely and legally. Mitigation strategies might need to be used if there's protected animal species or plants in the area; this could require replanting of trees and relocation of wildlife, such as reptiles or bats to a different protected site.

The specialist mulching, chipping and felling equipment that's employed in woodland clearances means that it's far more cost effective to hire an accredited tree surgeon to tackle the project.

Protecting Trees in Winter

Protecting your shrubs and trees in winter is maybe something that you've not thought that much about, perhaps assuming that the winter conditions in the British Isles are not typically harsh enough to justify this. In fact, even plants, trees and shrubs that we normally think of as being hardy, can benefit from some additional protection during the colder winter season.

Naturally where trees are concerned it's high winds that can be the biggest problem and although most trees will have shed their leaves by winter, they can still suffer damage in windy weather. If a tree on your property has been affected by wind, or is swaying and at risk of falling, a local tree surgeon will have to be brought in to undertake an inspection. Heavy snowfall can also cause branches to snap, so stay alert when these sorts of weather conditions are expected. A good layer of mulch round the base of trees and shrubs (particularly recently planted ones), will help to keep the roots frost-free and prevent them from becoming dehydrated.


Tree Surgery Safety Blandford Forum

The safety issue is one of the principal considerations when you are doing tree surgery, since if carried out improperly it can definitely be a dangerous enterprise. If the so called tradespeople doing the tree surgery are inexperienced or untrained, there are numerous things that may lead to injury or damage such as no fall protection, in the form of platforms, harnesses and ropes, a lack of head protection, neglecting to cordon-off the area to protect the public and vehicles, failing to use cut resistant (chainsaw-proof) apparel (in particular trousers and boots), falling branches and timber and not using eye or hearing protection. At an increased risk because of such inadequacies are pedestrians, the home or property, garden outbuildings and fences, the people living in the property, employees at ground level, the street facilities, the tree itself, stationary and passing vehicles, the tree surgeon himself (person in the tree).

Dead-Wooding Blandford Forum

All experienced Blandford Forum tree surgeons will undertake the procedure of dead-wooding (or deadwooding), which is an essential element of tree management. Dead-wooding involves the removal of dead and rotting branches that could present a hazard to passers-by, homes or vehicles. Some of a tree's branches can die off due to a number of reasons, the most common being heavy shading, diseases, root damage or attack by pests.

While the purpose of safety is the usual reason for dead-wooding, the process can also be accomplished for aesthetic motives and for the benefit of the tree. An excessive number of dead, dying and damaged branches can encourage insect infestations and disease, therefore eliminating these compromised branches can greatly improve the health of a tree. Dead wood also makes a tree look ugly, and by removing much of this you can make it more attractive.

Only larger dead branches will be cut out in most cases, because little risk is presented by the small ones. Having said that, where a dwelling, a public space, a garden, a park or a highway in Blandford Forum is overhung by trees, any dead wood of more than fifty millimetres diameter might have to be removed. (Tags: Dead-Wooding Surgery Blandford Forum, Deadwooding Blandford Forum, Dead-Wooding Blandford Forum, Dead-Wooding Trees Blandford Forum).

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

A damaging fungal disease that's likely to decimate close to 80% of the current British ash tree stocks, over the next few years, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) was first recorded in Great Britain in 2012, when a nursery imported a couple of thousand trees from Holland. Set to have a massive impact on our beloved countryside, ash dieback is destined to be just as catastrophic as the earlier epidemic of Dutch Elm Disease.

The Fraxinus genus of trees is affected by this damaging disease, although it has an especially devastating effect on Fraxinus excelsior (the European or common ash), which is the native UK species. Originally coming from Asia, the fungus which causes ash dieback is called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (H. fraxineus).

Rapidly spread by spores which are able to travel on the wind for many miles, ash dieback (or chalara ash dieback as it's sometimes known) is prevalent in most regions of the United Kingdom with up to eighty five percent mortality rates.

Affecting tree of all ages, ash dieback can be recognised by the following symptoms:

  • Leaves developing dark patches during the summertime.
  • Leaves and shoots which are visibly dying during the growing season.
  • Foliage that wilts, turns black in colour and falls prematurely.
  • Dark brown necrotic lesions form where branches connect to trunk, and the inner bark under the lesions looks brownish grey.
  • New epicormic growth appears from previously dormant buds (common in stressed trees).

Ash trees are able to fight the infection to a certain degree, but ultimately die from continual attacks. There's currently no cure for ash dieback, and no clear strategy for stopping it spreading.

Although you can report cases of ash dieback to the Forestry Commission's "Tree Alert Service", it is so commonplace all over Britain that they're really only interested in hearing about cases which are found in locations not affected previously. If you think that you have a case of ash dieback in your garden in Blandford Forum, you must speak to a local tree surgeon, who can offer advice on how to proceed - ultimately the trees or tree will have to be felled and removed.

Trees of the genus Fraxinus are affected by ash dieback.

Regular Tasks for a Tree Surgeon

  • Maintain and service equipment like wood chippers and chainsaws.
  • Prepare telephone or on-site quotations for customers.
  • Tidy site upon completion and remove waste from client's site.
  • Identify dangers presented by trees.
  • Be proficient with power tools and powered machinery.
  • Plant trees and vegetation.
  • Chip and cut branches and logs.
  • Climb trees to remove or prune branches.
  • Produce tree survey reports for both commercial and domestic customers.
  • Evaluate tree health and treatment.
  • Fell and remove trees and perform stump grinding.
  • Deal with clients and complete administration duties.

Wood Chipping Blandford Forum

Wood Chipping Blandford Forum

To process the tree limbs, branches and vegetation that tree surgery creates, most experienced Blandford Forum tree surgeons will make regular use of wood chipping machinery. Although of course it depends on what equipment is being used, these awesome wood chipping systems can gobble up as much as forty tons of material every hour, and even the smaller, more frequently used machines can process around five tons per hour, or basically as much as you can feed into them.

Chipping down the tree branches in this way makes them a good deal easier to transport and also provides a valuable material that is good for various purposes including, mulch in gardening, wood pulp, garden walkways, ecosystem restoration, biomass fuel, cultivating mushrooms, weed prevention and landscaping.

Most tree surgeons in Blandford Forum will be happy to let you have the wood chippings which have been created during your tree surgery work, if you've got a use that you want to put them to, if not they'll usually take them away to use on other landscaping projects. Even if you do not require any tree surgery doing on your property in Blandford Forum, tree surgeons are a great source for wood chippings that you can use throughout your garden. If you need a load of wood chips to be delivered then most tree surgeons will charge you for this service, otherwise many will let you have them without cost.

Well known brands of wood chipping machines include Forest Master, T-Mech, Timberwolf and Forst. (Tags: Wood Chipping Blandford Forum, Wood Chippers Blandford Forum, Wood Chips Blandford Forum, Wood Chipping Services Blandford Forum).

Eco-Plugging Tree Stumps Blandford Forum

If you have large tree stumps in your garden that need to be removed, the traditional technique that is used by most tree surgeons in Blandford Forum is stump grinding. However, nowadays "eco-plugging" is recognised as a more cost-effective solution to this problem. It's not simply the fact that eco-plugging is cheaper that makes it an attractive alternative for stump removal, but also that it is handy in awkward and hard-to-reach locations that are hard to access with bulky stump grinders.

Without affecting any nearby trees and vegetation, eco-plugging is a highly effective treatment for killing off tree stumps. Eco-plugs can be put to use in all weather and at any time of the year, and they eliminate the tree stump by destroying the entire root system. Eco-plugs contain a type of crystalline glyphosate herbicide which is suitable for treating a variety of tree species, and is 95-100 percent effective.

Pollarding Trees Blandford Forum

Tree Pollarding Blandford Forum

When a tree has appreciably got too large for its present setting, it can be greatly reduced in size through a procedure known as pollarding. It can occasionally be employed for practical or visual reasons to mould a tree into a specific form or shape. Trees which grow beside streets in Blandford Forum are frequently pollarded, as are those used for borders and in hedgerows. Given that pollarded trees have such a harsh and bare appearance, and will likely never return to their "pre-pollarded" shape, this method isn't generally popular with tree lovers. Tree species such as horse chestnuts, planes, oaks, limes, maples, sycamores and beeches are regular contenders for the pollarding process, and on the positive side trees that may otherwise need to be chopped down can be retained for the enjoyment of all. (Tags: Tree Pruning Blandford Forum, Pollarding Blandford Forum, Tree Pollarding Blandford Forum)

Tree Transplanting Blandford Forum

Tree Transplanting Blandford Forum (01258)

Moving mature trees and transplanting them in a new location might sound challenging, but with heavy lifting equipment and vehicle mounted tree spades, it's become a fairly straightforward endeavour. Fully developed trees can be moved and replanted on new ground to accomplish an instantly landscaped appearance, or overgrown wooded areas could be thinned out without needing to stoop to tree felling.

If you have no choice but to transplant a tree in Blandford Forum in the warmer summer seasons of summer and spring, you should lessen the stress of the process on the root-ball by thoroughly soaking the ground before any work begins. A large mechanical tree spade digs down into the ground, and surrounds the root-ball and then hauls the undamaged tree from the earth. If the uplifted tree is not to be straight away replanted, it can be stored temporarily providing that its root ball and the surrounding earth is kept damp.

An experienced tree transplanting company in Blandford Forum will communicate with local authorities to make certain that preservation orders and local regulations are observed and followed at all stages of the tree moving and transplantation procedure. You'll be able to find transplanting services in Blandford St Mary, Durweston, Shillingstone, Charloton Marshall, Pimperne, Littleton, Bryanston, Stourpaine, Child Okeford, Langton Long Blandford, Tarrant Keyneston, and Blandford Forum itself. (Tags: Tree Moving Blandford Forum, Tree Transplanting Blandford Forum, Tree Replanting Blandford Forum).

Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding Blandford Forum

It is crucial to be sure to employ a tree surgeon with the correct equipment and knowhow, when you need to have specialist services such as stump grinding carried out in Blandford Forum. The finest Blandford Forum tree surgeons will appreciate that every single bit of the stump must be taken out down to a depth of at least one foot. Grinding down stubborn roots and stumps within a few millimetres of buildings and walls without without damaging them, can only be accomplished if your tree surgeon has got the use of the proper machinery. Even any tree stumps that are found in narrow alleys and passageways, can be removed using the right machinery. Where massive trees have to be removed the stump that remains can be fairly substantial and the major roots will go down to a significant depth, requiring a herculean effort to remove them.

Tree Root Problems Blandford Forum

Invasive Tree Roots Blandford Forum Dorset

Some trees have got really intrusive root systems, and might be troublesome if they are growing too close to your property in Blandford Forum. Damaged foundations, blocked drains and cracked patios, are some of the most commonplace problems that you may run into. Species like sycamores, willows, maples and elms, are trees that have very aggressive root systems.

If you've got plans to plant any new trees on your property, it's best to make sure that they are placed a fair distance from patios, your sewerage pipes, your house and paths. You should bring in a tree surgeon in Blandford Forum, to see what can be done, if pre-existing trees are growing too near to your house and are leading to one or more of these issues.

If you want to avoid killing off the tree or severely affecting it's health you shouldn't attempt to do this yourself and just hack away at any problematic tree roots. Understanding which roots can be safely cut, and which roots should be left is the domain of the expert, and an established Blandford Forum tree surgeon will make certain the tree can still get sufficient nutrients and water to survive successfully.

Tree and shrub roots commonly cause structural problems in underground drainage systems, because sewage pipes provide a constant source of nutrients and moisture. Joint failure and even blockages can occur, when tiny tree roots invade a drainage system's joints, establish themselves and develop into enormous root balls. High quality root removal services will be offered by some local tree surgeons, who will use either manual rodding, electro-mechanical equipment or high pressure water jetting to get rid of the troublesome roots. Root removal services are also available in Blandford St Mary, Durweston, Shillingstone, Charloton Marshall, Pimperne, Littleton, Bryanston, Stourpaine, Child Okeford, Langton Long Blandford, Tarrant Keyneston, and in Blandford Forum, Dorset. (Tags: Drain Root Removal Blandford Forum, Invasive Tree Roots Blandford Forum, Problematic Tree Roots Blandford Forum, Tree Root Problems Blandford Forum).

Air-Spading Blandford Forum

There are numerous problems that could make the health of your trees a concern, but issues with the root system are quite often the cause. A certified Blandford Forum tree surgeon might need to access a tree's roots to check for soil compaction, root rot, or other related problems.

Because there's a potential for damaging the roots during the digging process, previously this was difficult to achieve. A process called "air spading" is employed by many contemporary tree surgeons in Blandford Forum, and this enables compressed soil to be broken down and stripped away by using compressed air, which does not cause any harm or damage to the tree's root system.

When the soil around the base of a tree becomes compacted by passing vehicles, construction work or heavy foot traffic, the general health of the tree can be negatively impacted. When a tree lacks water and nutrients it can quickly become "stressed", and this means that it is more vulnerable to attacks by disease, pests and insects. Also great for solving root flare issues, air-spading can be employed to clear away the excess soil from the base of a tree which has been covered, heightening the likelihood of root decay.

Blowing air directly into the soil at a speed of 1,200 mph, the air-spading process necessitates the use of an air compressor and an air-spading tool which forces air into voids in the soil, causing it to break down instantly, but not affecting the tree roots or nearby utilities. As the compacted soil is forced away from the tree's roots by the powerful flow of air, immediate inspection can take place. A looser covering of wood chips and fertiliser can then be introduced to encourage the tree to revive, and a resolution found for any problems.

Leylandii Hedge Removal Blandford Forum

The fast-growing Leylandii hedge is a popular choice for Blandford Forum householders looking for privacy. Despite their benefits, they can quickly become unwieldy and require significant maintenance. If you are planning to remove a Leylandii hedge, there are several crucial factors to take into account. First, it's important to ensure that the hedge isn't protected by a Tree Preservation Order or other legal designation. If the hedge is protected, you will have to acquire approval from the local council before removing it. Also, Leylandii hedges may have extensive roots, necessitating the engagement of a qualified tree surgeon to safely remove the hedge and its roots. Ultimately, it's necessary to dispose of the hedge waste responsibly in an eco-friendly way after its removal. In brief, removing a Leylandii hedge can be a hazardous and time-consuming undertaking, emphasizing the importance of taking necessary precautions and possibly seeking professional assistance.

Vegetation Management

Vegetation Control

It is not merely the maintenance and removal of trees that your local Blandford Forum tree surgeon will be prepared to assist you with, but also any form of proliferating plant growth which is clogging up your land or garden. Experienced tree surgeons will generally be willing to cut down overgrown vegetation, weeds, shrubs and bushes which might be growing close to sheds, garages, driveways, buildings or pathways, and being a nuisance. If you are going to manage your precious garden properly then this excess growth needs to be removed on a regular basis, and if you find you have the time and inclination then this is a task you may accomplish by yourself if you're fit and able, or you can ask your local tree surgeon to call in every few months to make sure it is in shape. The management of vegetation is important if you're to have safe and easy entry to every part of your property and if this isn't done the vegetation will very quickly take over and lessen the enjoyment of your garden. Apart from everything else your garden will also look much better when maintained properly.

The International Society of Arboriculture

The International Society of Arboriculture, generally referred to as just the ISA, is a non-profit international organisation that is headquartered in Georgia, USA. Championing the professional practice of arboriculture, the ISA is a membership association that serves the tree care industry across the world.

Promoting best practices in tree care, and focused on technology, research and education, the ISA provides educational publications, services and events improve the arboricultural expertise, knowledge and skills of individuals working in the tree care sector.

In mid-2016 the UK's AA (Arboricultural Association) proudly became an associate organisation of the ISA after signing a partnership agreement with them. This allowed the two organisations to strengthen their relationship, while offering additional opportunities for any tree care professional in Great Britain and Ireland who was a member of the ISA. UK members of the AA now reap the benefits of being an integral part of a global network of tree care professionals. Boasting over twenty two thousand members internationally the ISA now has professional affiliates and associate organisations in Europe, Australia, South Africa, Asia, New Zealand, and the UK.

Dutch Elm Disease

Devastating tree stocks and killing tens of millons of elm trees throughout Britain during the last 50 years or more, Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi) is not so prevalent now, as it was in the past. Caused by the Ophiostoma novo-ulmi fungus which is spread by the elm bark beetle (especially the Scolytus genus), Dutch Elm Disease (DED) was introduced into the UK accidentally in the 1960s from Canada.

After arriving, it rapidly spread through the transportation of elm products such as saplings, mulching bark, elm crates, and firewood logs with the bark on. This awful disease did not just affect elms in the United Kingdom, but also devastated elm stocks in continental Europe and North America. Whilst the origins of Dutch Elm Disease are as yet uncertain, the suspicions are that it first originated from Asia.

Dutch Elm Disease normally first manifests in early summer, and the main symptoms are:

  • Twigs that turn into a "shepherd's crook" shape.
  • Shoots that die back from the tip.
  • Twigs with dark streaks underneath the bark.
  • Clusters of leaves turning yellow and wilting.

Due to disease and the felling of dying, dead and infected trees, there are not many large elms remaining in the UK's countryside, and thus the spread has slowed and the favourite habitat of the beetle essentially removed. New plants have also been propagated from elms that have so far proved to be resistant.

You can get in touch with your neighbourhood tree surgeon for help and advice, if you suspect that you may have infected elm trees on your property in Blandford Forum, or you could put in a request for a diagnosis from the Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service (THDAS), for which there is a charge.

(Tags: Spotting Dutch Elm Disease, Dutch Elm Disease Blandford Forum, Symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease).

Logs and Firewood Blandford Forum

Firewood Logs Blandford Forum

When you're looking for firewood and logs in Blandford Forum, it is always worth contacting your local tree surgeon, because they are often a terrific source for this. This is no great surprise, as tree surgeons spend the majority of their time chopping down trees and branches.

Some tree surgeons in the Blandford Forum area might be prepared to let you have branches and logs free of charge, as they've always got lots of them to dispose of, while others will charge you for chopped and seasoned logs which are dry and ready to burn.

Logs having a moisture content of below twenty percent are perfect for burning on your log burning stove or open fire, and these should have been dried out for 12 months or more. Tree surgeons in Blandford Forum will typically have stocks of hardwood logs and these are great for a long, sustained burn that will throw out heat for 3 or 4 hours. The disadvantage of hardwood is that it can be quite difficult to get going, therefore if you are able to acquire a few softwood logs, these are fantastic for getting the fire started.

Tree Preservation Orders & Conservation Areas Blandford Forum

Before carrying out any significant work on your trees in Blandford Forum, you need to make sure that none of them have Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) To check whether any trees on your property are subject to Tree Preservation Orders, contact your local authority. Local authority consent in writing is necessary if wilful damage, topping, wilful destruction, cutting down, lopping, removal or uprooting is intended on any tree with a TPO on it. Any good tree surgeon in Blandford Forum will be ready to help you with this process.

If you happen to reside within a conservation area in Blandford Forum, you should talk to your council regarding any tree surgery work that you want to carry out, and if the tree involved has a diameter of more than 75mm (at a point 1.5 metres from ground level), you need to give your local authority at least six weeks notice in writing. (Tags: TPOs Blandford Forum, Tree Preservation Orders Blandford Forum, TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders) Blandford Forum).

Planting Trees For An Earth Friendly World

Are you aware that all over the world, 3 to 6 billion trees are cut down yearly. The fact is that the goods that are made from trees are required for our day-to-day living. Such as timber to put up dwellings, paper for writing on and even toilet paper for, well you know. And unfortunately, we need the products that the trees produce but we can do something about the depletion of our forests.

Trees are celebrated on Arbor Day and the aim of the celebration is that we should plant trees at that time but this is not actually dealing with the issue. Planting trees is not an undertaking that a lot of folks give any thought to. If they did, we would be all set.

Are you aware that there are more or less 7 billion people right now? However, you can never be sure of the precise figures for this. But then, if every of those 7 billion folks went out and planted a tree every Arbor Day, we would be replacing all the trees that were felled that year. Unfortunately, this isn't ever going to occur.

Plant a Tree

Hence, the answer is for those of you who care about the environment and want oxygen so you can live, plant a tree. And I don't mean to just go out once each year and plant a tree. I am talking about once per month or even once every week. We need to try to make up for those individuals who never plant trees even though they go on using the earth's valuable resources.

Would you believe that on Arbor Day, only between 8 and 15 million trees are planted? Thus on an annual basis, we have a shortage of more or less 5 billion trees. Alas, the situation is not improving.

A complete answer is called for that still encourages people to plant trees but I would likewise propose the following. What could really take care of this problem is if every lumber business or tree farmer, by law, had to plant two saplings for every tree they cut down, so our tree issue wouldn't be an issue for long.

Presently, this is not likely to happen and so the need to preserve the number of trees in the world is in our own hands. And it isn't going to take that much for us to replace the tree population every year. The number of trees chopped down each year could be replaced if ten percent of the world's population planted one tree every month. Roughly 7 billion new trees would be planted by doing this. For the number of trees we need to return to, an effective net gain of 1 billion trees will be the means to attain this goal.

Hence for anyone who would like to make a positive difference to our world, go plant a tree. Things will change if 10% of the world's population choose to do this. You decide if you want to get involved.

Coming Soon:

The Care of Beech Trees (article 6034).

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Blandford Forum Dorset

Tree Surgery Tasks Blandford Forum

Tree Surgery Tasks Blandford Forum UK

Blandford Forum tree surgeons will likely help you with woodland clearances, crown raising, cable bracing, root grinding Blandford Forum, shrub maintenance, tree management in Blandford Forum, crown thinning Blandford Forum, formative pruning Blandford Forum, hedge lowering, terraventing, tree lightening protection, eco-plugging in Blandford Forum, tree topping, cut sealing in Blandford Forum, tree work, tree lopping Blandford Forum, commercial tree surgery, tree bracing, hazard assessment, shielding trees from grazing, tree staking, retrenchment pruning, tree cutting, tree reduction, felling of storm damaged trees, crown removal, waste removal, damage restoration, crown lifting, tree watering, tree felling, dead wood removal, tree dismantling, tree pruning, tree surveys in Blandford Forum and other tree surgeon services in Blandford Forum, Dorset. These are just a selection of the activities that are undertaken by tree surgeons. Blandford Forum providers will be happy to inform you of their full range of services.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Blandford Forum

Tree Surgeons Near Blandford Forum: Also find: Bryanston tree surgeons, Shillingstone tree surgeons, Charloton Marshall tree surgeons, Stourpaine tree surgeons, Durweston tree surgeons, Tarrant Keyneston tree surgeons, Langton Long Blandford tree surgeons, Pimperne tree surgeons, Blandford St Mary tree surgeons, Child Okeford tree surgeons, Littleton tree surgery and more. The majority of these villages and towns are catered for by qualified tree surgeons. Blandford Forum homeowners and others can obtain quotes by clicking here.

Tree Care Services Blandford Forum

Find a Tree Surgeon in Blandford Forum Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Blandford Forum Dorset (01258)
  • Eco-Plugging
  • Tree Bracing
  • Wood Chipping
  • Tree Shaping
  • Tree Management
  • Woodland Management
  • Tree Transplanting
  • Stump Removal
  • Tree Topping
  • Woodland Clearance
  • Tree Planting
  • Stump Treatment
  • Root Grinding
  • Crown Thinning

More Blandford Forum Trades: Naturally, when you're having tree surgery done in Blandford Forum, Dorset, you'll probably need other garden related services, and together with a tree surgeon in Blandford Forum, Dorset, you might additionally need patio cleaning in Blandford Forum, garden pond builders in Blandford Forum, artifical grass in Blandford Forum, garden planning and design in Blandford Forum, landscape gardeners in Blandford Forum, gate installation in Blandford Forum, garden rubbish removal in Blandford Forum, soil irrigation in Blandford Forum, SKIP HIRE in Blandford Forum, grass cutting in Blandford Forum, hedge shaping in Blandford Forum, garden shed installers in Blandford Forum, garden clearance in Blandford Forum, block pavers in Blandford Forum, weeding in Blandford Forum, decking installers in Blandford Forum, and other different Blandford Forum tradespeople.

If you would like to get local information relating to Blandford Forum, Dorset look here

Tree Surgery DT11 area, phone code 01258.

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(This tree surgeons Blandford Forum content was created on 28-06-2024)