Tree Surgeons Daventry

Daventry Tree Surgery and Tree Care Services

Daventry Tree Surgeons (NN11): So, you like your beautiful garden and get joy from doing each of the gardening tasks which need doing throughout the year. However, there will be some specific jobs that you should never do by yourself. One of these special tasks is tree surgery in its various forms. If you have any work that needs to be done to your trees in Daventry, other than basic pruning or tidying up, you'll have to call in a registered tree surgeon.

Daventry Tree Surgery Quotes

Plenty of problems can turn up with trees, and the most obvious one is when a tree has sustained wind damage and it is threatening to fall onto a road or a structure. Emergency tree surgeons will be called in to make everything safe, and you'll have doubtless witnessed them in windy weather. Nevertheless, tree surgeons are versatile and can be brought in for such things as monitoring trees for disease or damage so that problems can be tackled before they become more serious, getting rid of old tree stumps which are causing a nuisance, forming tree maintenance or management plans to keep your trees in good shape and reducing or thinning trees to provide more light and space in the garden.

Tree Surgeon Daventry Northamptonshire

It's not only for safety reasons that you mustn't try to do your own tree care work, additionally there are inspections and checks which need to be done. The might live inside a Conservation Area or your trees might be subject to a Preservation Order (TPO), either of which impacts on what can be done. A competent tree surgeon will be able to help you with all these things and should additionally be associated with the Arboricultural Association, to offer you peace of mind with regards to any work that's being done. Public liability insurance is also essential when it comes to tree related work, therefore ensure your chosen tree surgeon is properly covered.

It is very important that your chosen tree surgeon arrives with all the essential equipment to undertake the process effectively and safely, since the protection of your family and property is the major concern while this type of work is taking place. With the correct equipment and the expertise to use it efficiently, tree surgery can be carried out in a manner that poses very little threat to anyone nearby, or to the tree surgeon and his accomplices.

Tree Surgeons Daventry (NN11)

Using tree climbing and surgery gear comes naturally to a licenced tree surgeon, and he'll happily get to work using pole saws, climbing ropes, winches, chain saws, stump grinders, lowering devices, flip lines, wood shredders, loppers, harnesses, rigging pulleys and rigging ropes. This equipment can be fairly innovative and through the years has been designed to render the process of tree surgery both safer and simpler.

A lot of waste materials are of course created during the process of tree surgery and this should be taken away and ethically got rid of. This should be itemised in the estimate, so ensure that this is the case. The disposal of tree waste is a legal responsibility for all tree surgeons, so steer clear of anyone that cannot show that this applies to them.

Tree Surgery Daventry (01327)

It's not just in Daventry itself where your local tree surgeon will be willing to work, therefore people living in surrounding areas like Norton, Badby, Newnham, Willoughby, Wolfhampcote, Staverton, Everdon, Priors Marston, Flecknoe, Barby, Braunston, Farthingstone, Flore, Whilton and others, will still be able to get tree work when necessary. Accordingly, where ever you need a reputable tree surgeon, whether it's in the Daventry area itself or anywhere around Northamptonshire and the neighbouring counties, this article should be to your benefit.

Daventry tree surgeons are also tasked with conservation and protection of woodlands, as well as the climbing, cutting down and pruning of trees. By means of attentive observation they are able to pinpoint possible hazards that may put passers by in jeopardy. A vital part of their responsibilities is making certain trees are healthy, disease-free and in a position to flourish and grow.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Daventry Area

Tree surgery is available in Daventry and also in nearby places like: Norton, Badby, Newnham, Willoughby, Wolfhampcote, Staverton, Everdon, Priors Marston, Flecknoe, Barby, Braunston, Farthingstone, Flore, Whilton, and in these postcodes NN11 0GA, NN11 1SA, NN11 0TR, NN11, NN11 1ER, NN11 1TF, NN11 1GA, NN11 1EL, NN11 0PP, NN11 0TY. Locally based Daventry tree surgeons will probably have the postcode NN11 and the telephone dialling code 01327.

If you need this kind of service it's definitely a good idea to employ a certified local tree surgeon. Daventry property owners can benefit from the skills that are the trademark of a trained professional.

Health and Safety Considerations

Tree Surgery Safety Daventry

Tree surgery can soon become an extremely dangerous undertaking if done improperly, so one of the primary considerations is the safety aspect. There are many factors that may lead to damage or injury if the individuals carrying out the project are untrained or inexperienced. The most prevalent concerns are hardly any fall protection, in the form of ropes, harnesses and platforms, not roping off the area to protect vehicles and the general public, inadequate head protection, falling branches and timber, not using eye or hearing protection and failing to wear cut resistant apparel (specifically leggings and boots). In danger due to such incompetencies are those working at ground level, vehicles, garden sheds and fences, passers by, the property owners family, the tree surgeon (up the tree), the tree itself, facilities on the street, the building connected to the property.

Emergency Tree Services Daventry

If you've got trees growing in your garden in Daventry, there may be occasions when you have to contact a tree surgeon in an emergency. Several tree surgeons in Daventry offer a 24/7 service, and when there are gales and strong winds, they normally receive an increase in emergency call outs. The chances of damage or injury is greater during gusty weather, with branches breaking off and plummeting to the ground below, and occasionally even entire trees collapsing. Frequent issues that happen due to tree emergencies are smashed greenhouses, damaged fences, squashed sheds and busted garden furniture.

When substantial tree limbs snap of and drop onto public paths, highways and railway tracks, the local council in Daventry will also sometimes need emergency tree care services.

There may be a need for "re-balancing" a tree, even after emergency tree work has been successfully carried out, because because of the loss of some branches, there may be an uneven weight distribution, which could be unsafe but also displeasing aesthetically. To handle all of these various problems, you should call up a local tree surgeon in Daventry who offers emergency 24/7 services. (Tags: Emergency Tree Services Daventry, Emergency Call-Outs Daventry, Emergency Tree Surgery Daventry, Tree Care Emergencies Daventry).

Removing Tree Stumps Daventry

If you are in a position where you need to have a big tree cut down and removed from your garden in Daventry, you are perhaps going to be left with a stump, which will also have to be sorted out. You might consider leaving it to decay and rot away in a natural way, and be quite happy to leave it to its own devices. However, tree stumps in your garden can send out suckers in an effort to regrow themselves, and large stumps can take a number of years to break down, during which time they can be an eyesore, a trip hazard and the ideal home for harmful bacteria, pests and fungi.

Stump grinding and stump removal are the 2 primary options, if you do opt to do away with the stump altogether. In the next couple of paragraphs we'll be focusing on the removal option as opposed to stump grinding.

Digging out by hand, burning and chemical treatments, are the three main techniques for removing a tree stump. If you would like to tackle a tree stump yourself, you can employ any of these approaches. Professional tree surgeons will generally go with the previously mentioned stump grinding method, though may offer the alternative of a chemical treatment such as eco-plugging.

Burning a Tree Stump: Burning a tree stump is not generally recommended, and could be at variance with legislation in your area, so take care if using this approach. It comprises drilling some holes in the tree stump and constantly filling the holes with vegetable oil and left to sit for aa few days. You should then heap charcoal around the tree stump and set fire to it. Someone will have to continually supervise this until the fire has died down. Make sure that the fire is extinguished once it's totally burned out. You will be able to dig out the burnt stump remains and roots after it has completely cooled off.

This isn't the only way to burn a tree stump, and you could also try digging out all the soil from beneath the stump and lighting a fire in the cavity which has been created underneath. None of these burning methods should should be considered appropriate if the stump is in close proximity to buildings, other trees or fences.

Digging Out a Stump by Hand: Digging by hand is fairly straightforward and will involve digging down, cutting all the roots, and releasing the stump. Some form of winch might be necessary for the final freeing up process. This is extremely hard graft and isn't for the faint-hearted or unfit.

Chemical Stump Killers: For chemically removing a tree stump you will need to purchase Roundup Tree Stump Remover, Vitax SBK Stump Killer or Resolva Xtra Tough Tree Stump Killer. You should always study and closely follow the instructions for timings, rates and applications for these chemicals, and be mindful that they are toxic and often inflammable. This is not a short term fix, and it can take a few weeks for the tree stump to rot down entirely, after which an axe and a spade can be used to remove it.

Tree Removal Daventry

Tree Removal Daventry

If you have a dead/dying tree, your tree is damaged, your tree is hampering a new development, the roots are damaging retaining walls/foundations, your tree is diseased, your tree presents a safety risk or your tree has grown too large, then you've probably got a valid basis for the removal of a tree. Otherwise tree removal should be a last resort, seeing that trees are in most cases a beneficial and beautiful presence in your garden. Several homeowners in Daventry just want to remove a tree or trees to reduce the bother of leaves or gain a nicer view, this is not necessary and ought to only become a reality if the problem is severe.

Woodland Clearance Daventry

Woodland Clearance Daventry (NN11)

Woodland clearance in the Daventry area is a sensitive process that can be impacted by various restrictions and regulations. A professional tree surgeon in Daventry can provide you with a comprehensive service that will comply with all covenants and laws on the land, and will also do the clearance in an eco-friendly and ethical manner.

A tree surgeon will verify if there are any felling restrictions, ecological constraints or special planning permissions by carrying out a full habitat survey and liaising with the local council. Mitigation strategies may need to be employed if there's protected vegetation or animal species on the site; this could require replanting of trees and relocation of creatures, such as bats or reptiles to another protected site.

The expensive and specialist chipping, felling and mulching equipment that's employed in woodland clearances means that it's much more efficient and cost effective to bring in a qualified tree surgeon to accomplish the project.

Cable Bracing Daventry

When a tree could be a threat to nearby property or pedestrians, or if it's showing the warning signs of decay or damage, the tree can be offered extra support with a method known as cable bracing. Where the wish is to avoid felling a tree or removing large, unstable sections, because the tree is old or valuable, cable bracing can be the ideal solution.

A cable bracing set-up can be effective in supporting any weak tree limbs, defective joints and V-shaped forks that may be causing some concerns. Most tree surgeons in Daventry will be prepared to undertake different types of bracing work through the installation of cables and rods to help mitigate structural stresses and extend the lifespan of specimen trees.

A non-invasive approach, that does not cause damage to the tree by drilling and bolting the problematic branches, cable bracing provides both flexible and shock-absorbing support. A risk assessment, to guarantee the safety of the tree and adjacent areas, should be completed before the start of any tree cable bracing work in Daventry. (Tags: Cable Bracing Trees Daventry, Tree Cable Bracing Daventry, Cable Bracing Techniques Daventry, Cable Bracing Daventry).

Accidents Through Tree Surgery

As we have already pointed out, the work that tree care professionals in Daventry undertake, involves a high level of danger. When work is being done on trees, there is a considerable risk of injury to both operatives and those on the ground, so all reasonable safety measures should be taken.

As stated by the HSE, the vast majority of fatal and major injuries are linked to the use of chainsaws, falls from trees, and being hit by a falling branch or tree. In fact, the risk of serious injury is greater in tree care work than it is for those involved in the construction industry.

The most accident claims, with regards to insurance, are for falling from ladders, being struck by objects (grapple hooks, cranes, ropes, trees, branches etc) and lifting injuries.

When work needs doing on your trees, all of this highlights the need for employing a knowledgeable Daventry tree surgeon. The majority of accidents that happen in the tree care industry are attributable to unskilled workers attempting tasks that they're not fully trained in. Using a trustworthy and established Daventry company that has been working in the local area for several years, is the easiest way to avoid such problems, and get your tree care work completed in the safest possible way.

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

A highly infectious fungal disease affecting ash trees, that was first recorded in the UK in 2012, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is expected to decimate around eighty percent of the current ash tree stock. Ash dieback is set to have huge ramifications for our beloved countryside, exacerbating the damage caused by the earlier Dutch Elm Disease epidemic.

A disease that affects the Fraxinus genus of trees, it has a particularly devastating effect on Fraxinus excelsior, the common ash that is native to the British Isles. Believed to have originally come from eastern Asia where the native species of ash (the Chinese ash and the Manchurian ash) were less susceptible, the fungus which causes the disease is known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (H. fraxineus), and it obstructs its vascular (water transport) systems, causing it to die.

Ash dieback (or chalara ash dieback as it is sometimes known) has already spread to most regions of the UK, and is dispersed by minute spores that blow on the wind, which can travel for tens of miles, quickening the process.

Ash dieback strikes trees from every age group and has the following symptoms:

  • Leaves and shoots that are visibly dying during the summer.
  • Dark patches on leaves during mid to late summer.
  • Leaves that wilt, turn black and fall early.
  • New growth appears from previously dormant buds (epicormic growth).
  • Dark brown lesions form where branches meet the trunk, and the inner bark under the lesions looks brownish grey.

Even ash trees that are able to fend off the disease, are attacked year after year and sooner or later succumb and die. At this moment in time there's no clear-cut method for stopping the spread of achalara ash dieback, and there is no effective treatment.

While you can report instances of ash dieback to the "Tree Alert Service" provided by the Forestry Commission, it is so common throughout the British Isles that they are only really interested to know about cases which are discovered in areas not previously affected. If you suspect you have a tree suffering from ash dieback on your property in Daventry, you should contact a local tree surgeon, who'll offer guidance and advice about how best to proceed - ultimately the tree or trees will have to be removed.

Trees that are affected by ash dieback: Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus ornus, Fraxinus angustifolia, Fraxinus americana, Fraxinus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus mandschurica.

(Tags: Ash Dieback Daventry, Spotting Ash Dieback, Signs of Ash Dieback).

Crown Thinning Daventry

Tree Care Daventry

The removing of a lot of the smallest branches at the outer crown of a tree to produce a leaf density which is consistent all the way through without changing the size or shape of the tree, is referred to as crown thinning. This process is often only carried out on trees with broad leaves and is to ease the stress on larger branches resulting from wind, ice, gravity, or snow, to stop the tree being uprooted when it is windy, to reduce the overall weight of the crown of the tree, to permit more sunlight throughout or to help reduce the tree's wind resistance. The overall structure and size of the tree shouldn't be transformed by crown thinning, and should just result in a uniform thickness of foliage encompassing evenly distributed branches. (Tags: Crown Thinning Daventry, Tree Crown Thinning Daventry, Crown Thin Daventry)

The ISA (International Society of Arboriculture)

An international, non-profit organisation that is headquartered in the United States of America, the International Society of Arboriculture is generally referred to simply as the ISA. Providing accreditations for tree care professionals throughout the world, the ISA is a membership association that advances the professional practice of arboriculture.

With its focus firmly on technology, education and research, the ISA encourages best tree care practice via educational events, publications and services, enabling individuals in the tree care sector to develop their knowledge, skills and arboricultural expertise.

Since signing an agreement with them in mid-2016 the Arboricultural Association (AA) has been an associate organisation of the ISA. Providing further opportunities for ISA members in the UK and Ireland, this also substantially strengthened the relationship between the two associations. UK AA members are now able to benefit from being part of a wide and diverse worldwide network of tree care professionals. Boasting over twenty two thousand members globally the International Society of Arboriculture now has associate organisations and professional affiliates in New Zealand, Australia, Europe, South Africa, Asia, and the UK.

Essential Skills for Tree Surgeons in Daventry

  • Be patient and have the ability to stay calm and focused in stressful situations.
  • Excellent customer skills.
  • Have a good understanding of public security and safety.
  • Be professional and capable of completing tasks within a set timeframe.
  • Physical skills like movement and coordination.
  • Have the ability to use, repair and maintain tools and equipment.
  • Have necessary computer skills and know how to perform tasks with handheld devices.
  • Have the ability to work well with your hands.
  • Have an organised way of working.
  • The ability to work alongside other folks.
  • Be mindful of the complexities and dangers involved in all aspects of tree work.

Tree Pollarding Daventry

Tree Pollarding Daventry Northamptonshire

Where a tree has noticeably gotten too big for its current surroundings, it should be radically reduced in size by using a technique labeled as pollarding. This process is also on occasion used for aesthetic reasons to transform a tree into a particularly attractive form. You'll often witness trees that have been pollarded growing alongside highways in Daventry, and also fairly frequently in hedgerows The somewhat harsh and bare appearance that is the outcome of pollarding is not at all popular with tree lovers, as it's so different from its attractive natural state. Tree species such as oaks, sycamores, limes, maples, beeches, horse chestnuts and planes are regular contenders for pollarding, and the beneficial element of this process is that trees which might normally have to be cut down can be kept for generations to come. (Tags: Tree Pollarding Daventry, Pollarding Daventry, Tree Pruning Daventry)

Dead-Wooding Daventry

Dead-wooding (or deadwooding) is an important part of tree management, and all experienced Daventry tree surgeons will undertake this process where necessary. When there is a risk of dead or dying branches falling on homes, passers-by or vehicles, dead-wooding will be undertaken to carefully remove the offending limbs. The most commonplace reasons for tree branches dying off are damaged roots, diseases, a lack of light or attack by pests, and this is of course a purely natural process.

Even though the objective of safety is the most frequent reason for removing dead branches, the procedure can also be conducted for aesthetic motives and for the benefit of the tree itself. Disease and insect infestation can be attracted by an excessive number of damaged, dying and dead branches, therefore the health of the tree can be radically improved by eliminating such dead branches. You can also improve a tree's appearance through this technique, because a tree with a lot of dead wood can also look very ugly.

Only large dead branches will generally be taken out, as in most cases the small ones won't present any great risk. Nevertheless, where a road, a park, a property, a garden or a public space in Daventry is overhung by trees, any dead wood of over 50mm diameter may need to be removed.

Problems With Tree Roots Daventry

Invasive Tree Roots Daventry Northamptonshire

When they're growing too near to your home in Daventry, some trees have particularly invasive roots, and can cause problems. These issues could include things like damaged foundations, blocked drains and cracked patios, to name just a few. Species like sycamores, willows, maples and elms, are trees that have very invasive roots.

Issues can be averted down the line, if you make certain you plant any new trees as far away as possible from patios, pathways, your sewerage system and your home. If established trees are growing too near to your home and are causing some of these issues, you must get in touch with a tree surgeon in Daventry, to see what can be done.

You shouldn't try to deal with this yourself by simply cutting through the invasive tree roots, because this could severely affect the health of the tree or even kill it in some cases. To survive successfully, a tree will still need to be getting adequate nutrients and water, and a seasoned tree surgeon in Daventry will know precisely which roots should be left, and which roots can be cut back.

Because sewage pipes provide a continuous source of nutrients and water, tree and shrub roots frequently cause structural issues in subterranean drainage systems. Teeny roots can soon grow into a drainage system's joints, and once established grow into sizeable root balls which can bring about joint failure and blockages. Some Daventry tree surgeons will provide professional root removal solutions, which will likely include using manual rod clearance, electro-mechanical equipment or high pressure jetting. You should also be able to access root removal in Norton, Badby, Newnham, Willoughby, Wolfhampcote, Staverton, Everdon, Priors Marston, Flecknoe, Barby, Braunston, Farthingstone, Flore, Whilton, and and of course in Daventry. (Tags: Drain Root Removal Daventry, Invasive Tree Roots Daventry, Tree Root Problems Daventry, Problematic Tree Roots Daventry).

Daily Duties for a Tree Surgeon

  • Plant trees and vegetation.
  • Be proficient with power tools and machinery.
  • Identify hazards posed by trees.
  • Service equipment like chippers and chainsaws.
  • Work with customers and complete administration duties.
  • Cut and chip logs and branches.
  • Prepare tree survey reports for both domestic and commercial clients.
  • Create on-site or telephone price quotes with the customers.
  • Tidy work area upon completion and fulfil removal of waste product from client's site.
  • Evaluate tree health and treatments.
  • Fell and remove trees and perform stump grinding.
  • Climb trees to remove or prune branches as required.

Air-Spading Daventry

There are a number of issues that could make the health of your trees a concern, however problems with a tree's root system are frequently the cause. A certified tree care specialist in Daventry may need to gain access to your tree's root system, so as to check for problems such as soil compaction and root rot.

This was sometimes a difficult thing to achieve until recently, because in the digging down process, the roots of the tree could be easily damaged. To efficiently break up and remove compressed soil without damaging tree roots or utility lines, a contemporary method which is frequently used is "air spading".

The health of a tree can be negatively affected when the soil surrounding the roots becomes compacted by passing vehicles, building work or heavy foot traffic. When it doesn't get sufficient nutrients and water, a tree can quickly become "stressed", rendering it more susceptible to attack by disease, insects and pests. Also useful for fixing root flare problems, air-spading can be used to successfully remove the soil from the base of a tree which has become covered in too much soil, heightening the chances of root decay.

By forcing air into voids in the soil at a speed of twelve hundred miles per hour through the use of an air compressor and an air-spading tool, the air-spading process quickly breaks up the soil without harming or damaging the tree roots. The flow of air blows the soil away from the tree's roots, enabling immediate inspection and assessment. A much looser covering of wood mulch and fertiliser can then be put in to encourage the tree to rejuvenate, and a solution implemented for any issues. (Tags: Air-Spade Investigations Daventry, Air-Spade Daventry, Air-Spading Daventry).

Coming Soon:

The Care of Beech Trees (article 6034).

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Daventry Northamptonshire

Tree Surgery Tasks Daventry

Tree Surgery Tasks Daventry UK

Daventry tree surgeons will likely help you with drop crotching, dead wooding, domestic tree surgery, coppicing Daventry, tree planning in Daventry, tree surveys in Daventry, hazard assessment, crown raising, tree pruning, waste removal in Daventry, root pruning in Daventry, stump grinding, woodland management, landscaping in Daventry, crown removal Daventry, emergency tree surgery, shielding trees from grazing, tree maintenance, root removal Daventry, hedge trimming, crown thinning, eco plug treatments in Daventry, tree bracing, crown reduction Daventry, retrenchment pruning Daventry, tree removal, repair of storm damaged trees, tree care, commercial tree surgery, tree cabling, vegetation management, tree dismantling, formative pruning, tree waste removal in Daventry, crown lifting and other tree surgeon services in Daventry, Northamptonshire. Listed are just a selection of the tasks that are undertaken by local tree surgeons. Daventry providers will be happy to inform you of their entire range of services.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Daventry

Tree Surgeons Near Daventry: Also find: Staverton tree surgeons, Whilton tree surgeons, Newnham tree surgeons, Flore tree surgeons, Willoughby tree surgeons, Priors Marston tree surgeons, Wolfhampcote tree surgeons, Flecknoe tree surgeons, Barby tree surgeons, Everdon tree surgeons, Braunston tree surgeons, Badby tree surgeons, Farthingstone tree surgeons, Norton tree surgery and more. All of these towns and villages are served by certified tree surgeons. Daventry home and business owners can get price quotes by clicking here.

Tree Care Services Daventry

Find a Tree Surgeon in Daventry Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Daventry Northamptonshire (01327)
  • Tree Bracing
  • Woodland Management
  • Tree Pruning
  • Root Decompaction
  • Cable Bracing
  • Crown Thinning
  • Crown Removal
  • Stump Treatment
  • Tree Topping
  • Crown Reduction
  • Tree Removal
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Woodland Clearance
  • Dead Wooding

More Daventry Trades: Needless to say, whenever you happen to be having tree surgery done in Daventry, Northamptonshire, you will likely need other garden related services, and together with a tree surgeon in Daventry, Northamptonshire, you may also need grass cutting services in Daventry, local SKIP HIRE in Daventry, fencing contractors in Daventry, patio layers in Daventry, garden pond builders in Daventry, garden wall construction in Daventry, artificial grass installation in Daventry, block pavers in Daventry, garden shed builders in Daventry, garden planning and design in Daventry, hedge clipping in Daventry, garden rubbish removal in Daventry, garden clearance in Daventry, landscape gardeners in Daventry, planting services in Daventry, garden decking in Daventry, and other different Daventry tradespeople.

Daventry England: A bustling market town situated in the English county of Northamptonshire in the East Midlands region, Daventry has a population of around twenty five thousand. The town lays near to the A5 and the M1 Motorway and is about 13 miles from Northampton and 77 miles from London, nearby towns and villages include Farthingstone, Barby, Braunston, Newnham, Flore, Staverton, Whilton and Priors Marston. Daventry has the dialling code 01327 and is in the postcode district NN11. At one time the location of an Iron Age hill fort and Roman villa, modern day Daventry comprises a historic market centre encompassed by primarily modern housing and light industrial development. For the latest local Daventry information click here. (Tags: Daventry UK, Daventry Northamptonshire, Daventry England, Daventry Northants)

Tree Surgery NN11 area, phone code 01327.

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(This tree surgeons Daventry page was updated on 28-06-2024)