Tree Surgeons Stone

Stone Tree Care & Tree Surgery

Stone Tree Surgeons (ST15): We all love to look at trees, and having trees in our garden is an additional bonus for offering welcome shade on hot summers days, for providing a home for birds and wildlife and for adding colour and beauty. However, trees are living organisms and can either become unhealthy and diseased, suffer damage in windy weather or get way too big for our gardens in Stone. If you are having concerns about your trees in Stone, the best person to call is a tree surgeon.

Stone Tree Surgeon Quotes (ST15)

Who you going to call? Tree surgeons! - Tree surgeons play an important role in the maintenance and general care of trees for a selection of customers in Stone - both domestic and commercial. There are countless examples of services a competent tree surgeon in Stone will be able to provide: the pruning of weak, dead or intrusive branches, felling and removal, inspections and hazard assessments, safe tree planting, as well as general tree maintenance.

Professional Tree Surgeon Stone Staffordshire

However, it's not just trees that float a tree surgeon's boat! A tree surgeon in Stone will tackle additional duties, such as stump removal, hedge maintenance, care and pruning. Because they'll be able to examine your tree, prepare a report on possible hazards, and give advice on what to do next, a tree surgeon is the person to get in touch with if you have any reservations about a tree's structural integrity.

This is most certainly something that must only be completed by a specialist, because tree surgery is an exceedingly dangerous business. It wouldn't be a wise decision to avoid and go for a DIY approach, even though this may seem to be an attractive solution. So as to carry out this type of work, tree surgeons need to be qualified, experienced and physically fit.

Tree surgery often involves the use of dangerous chainsaws and power tools while high up in the air and swinging from a harness in a tree. Beginners beware - this is most certainly not an activity for you! Tree surgery is also usually carried out by a team of experienced tree surgeons, including a ground team and climbers, who are all specialists in their field. An untrained individual would find it virtually impossible to undertake the work with anything like this level of competence, risk assessment and experience.

Local Tree Surgeons Stone (01785)

As soon as you've come to the decision that you require the assistance of a professional tree surgeon in Stone, you must take measures to find a really good one. But, how is this to be accomplished? Well, exploring such things as cost, qualifications and experience should set you on the right track. Next we'll cover a few things to look for when selecting a tree surgeon in Stone.

First off, you'll want to make sure they've got the required qualifications to reassure you they're competent and correctly accredited. The governing body that issues qualifications to tree surgeons is the National Proficiency Tests Council (NPTC). The following certificates should be a minimum requirement for any tree surgeon in Stone:

  • NPTC 203 (CS31) - Fell & process trees up to 380mm.
  • NPTC 308 (CS39) - Aerial cutting of trees using free-fall techniques.
  • NPTC 201/202 (CS30) - Chainsaw maintenance and cross-cutting.
  • NPTC 206/306 (CS38) - Climb a tree and carry out aerial rescue.

Since gaining such qualifications shows that they have received the correct training, it is worthwhile tracking down a tree surgeon in Stone that has them, although this is not currently a legal requirement. Having these certifications should provide you with the peace of mind that the job will be completed in a successful and safe way. It's also vital that tree surgeons, forestry workers and arborists do some basic First Aid training, and they should always carry an appropriate First Aid kit in accordance with HSE workplace recommendations.

Next off, you can ask two or three tree surgeons in Stone to provide different price quotes for the work, and check the actual breakdown of costs. You may notice that the removal and disposal of the vast amounts of waste frequently produced by tree surgery and maintenance won't always be included in the quoted costs. It is certainly better to get the tree surgeons to remove this themselves if you can, because removing such waste can be very inconvenient and costly.

Click Here For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Stone Area

When you come face to face with potential tree surgeons in Stone, you must also be prepared to ask a number of key questions. You will, for example, need to know who is going to do the actual work, and who will be coming onto your property. Would you be able to meet with them before they start? Will it involve just one person or a team of people? What is the timeframe for the work? Will there be any impact of my home or neighbours? What will be the method for removing your tree?

If you ask all the appropriate questions, you are less likely to receive any unexpected surprises further down the line.

Tree Surgery Stone (ST15)

Last but not least, listen to how your tree surgeon speaks. In particular, you should listen to how they describe the work, because this can be a useful tool for determining their level of professionalism and expertise prior to starting the work. If the term 'topping and lopping' is mentioned, you might be better off looking for another tree surgeon, since this is a somewhat outdated expression, which displays a lack of knowledge in modern tree surgery. A tree surgeon in Stone who's professional, experienced and skilled will use more suitable terminology such as 'crown lifting', 'pruning', 'pollarding', 'crown thinning' and 'crown reduction'. Whilst this can be a useful clue with regards to the level of expertise held by your tree surgeon, it's not necessarily a sign of ability.

To conclude, when you are contemplating tree care or tree surgery in Stone, it is always worth considering several different tree surgeons for your needs. As a result, you should get a job that is skillfully undertaken, caters to all your needs and complies with all the recommended safety procedures.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Stone Staffordshire

Crown Thinning Stone

Tree Care Stone

If you wish to reduce the stress upon certain branches due to ice, gravity, wind, or snow, to lower the overall weight of the crown of the tree, to prevent the tree from uprooting when it is windy, to permit more sunlight to pass through or to lessen the wind resistance of the tree, a lot of the small branches that are growing inside the outer crown of a broad leafed tree are cut in a process that's called crown thinning. The overall size and shape of your tree aren't changed by this process, and it's likely that it'll need to be done on a regular schedule, as more shoots sprout. The overall form and size of the tree shouldn't be transformed by crown thinning, and should simply bring about a uniform foliage thickness encompassing consistently distributed branches. It should be possible to find crown thinning in Barlaston, Hilderstone, Moddershall, Great Bridgeford, Walton, Little Stoke, Cresswell, Cotes Heath, Milwich, Cold Meece, Fulford, Rough Close, Sandon, Stonefield, Weston, Tittensor, and Stone itself. (Tags: Crown Thinning Stone, Crown Thin Stone, Tree Crown Thinning Stone)

Dutch Elm Disease

No longer the issue that it was previously, Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi) has killed millions of elm trees right through the British Isles during the last five decades or more. Caused by the Ophiostoma novo-ulmi fungus which is spread by the elm bark beetle (Scolytus), Dutch Elm Disease (DED) was imported into the UK inadvertently in the 1960's from Canada.

Through the nationwide transportation of elm products like bark mulch, elm crates, saplings, and logs with the bark still attached, it quickly spread through the British Isles after first arriving. This dreadful disease didn't only affect elms in the United Kingdom, but also destroyed tree stocks in mainland Europe and North America. While the origins of DED are uncertain, the suspicions are that it first originated in Asia (most likely Japan).

Usually first appearing in early summer, the recognisable signs of DED disease are:

  • Clusters of leaves turning yellow, wilting and falling.
  • Twigs that turn into a "shepherd's crook" shape.
  • New shoots that die back from the tips.
  • Dark rings or spots in the cross-section of twigs.

As a consequence of disease and the subsequent felling of infected, dying and dead trees, there are not many large elms surviving in Great Britain's countryside, therefore the spread has slowed down and the elm bark beetle's favourite habitat essentially eradicated. The propagation of young saplings which are so far resistant to DED is an ongoing project.

You can ask for a diagnosis from the Tree Health Diagnostic & Advisory Service, or you can contact your neighbourhood tree surgeon for guidance and advice, if you happen to have elm trees on your property in Stone, and suspect that they may be infected with Dutch Elm Disease.

Tree families affected: Ulmacae and Zelkova.

Agent of spread - small beetles of the Scolytus and Hylorgopinus genera.

Cause - fungi Ophiostoma Ulmi & Ophiostoma Novo-Ulmi.

(Tags: Dutch Elm Disease Stone, Symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease, Spotting Dutch Elm Disease).

Leylandii Hedge Removal Stone

The fast-growing Leylandii hedge is a popular choice for Stone homeowners looking for privacy. However, they can rapidly become overgrown and burdensome to maintain. If you are planning to remove a Leylandii hedge, there are several crucial factors to take into account. Before taking any further action, it is crucial to confirm that the hedge is not protected by any legal constraints or obligations, such as a Tree Preservation Order. In such cases, you must seek approval from the local council before removing the hedge. Besides, Leylandii hedges can develop elaborate root systems, which underscores the necessity of hiring an experienced tree surgeon to remove the hedge and its roots safely. Finally, it's crucial to dispose of the hedge waste in a responsible and eco-friendly way after its removal. To wrap up, removing a Leylandii hedge can be a challenging and potentially hazardous task, highlighting the importance of taking the appropriate safety measures and potentially seeking the guidance of an expert.

Pollarding Trees Stone

Tree Pollarding Stone Staffordshire

The method whereby the size of a tree is dramatically lessened because it's got too large for its existing environment, is referred to as "pollarding". This method is in some cases used for aesthetic reasons to change a tree into an especially appealing form or shape. It can frequently be witnessed on trees that serve as borders or hedgerows, in addition to trees that grow alongside highways in Stone. For people who like trees it's not a particularly popular process, because the consequence tends to be rather harsh and naked, with the overall appearance of being practically lifeless. However, in spite of the somewhat unsightly appearance of recently pollarded trees like beeches, oaks, limes, horse chestnuts, sycamores, maples and planes, there's a beneficial aspect to the technique, in that such trees can be kept when they would otherwise have to be cut down.

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

A highly infectious fungal disease affecting ash trees, that was first recorded in Great Britain in 2012, ash dieback is likely to wipe out about 80% of the current ash trees. Already having a similarly calamitous impact on the British countryside as Dutch Elm Disease (DED), ash dieback is just another setback for the United Kingdom's tree stocks.

Trees of the Fraxinus genus are affected by this lethal disease, but it has an especially devastating effect on the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), which is the native British species. Originally coming from Asia, the fungus which causes the disease is called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (H. fraxineus).

Ash dieback (or chalara ash dieback) has now spread to most areas of the UK, and is dispersed by spores that blow on the wind, released from the fruiting bodies of the fungus, and can travel for many miles, accelerating the process.

The unmistakeable symptoms of ash dieback are:

  • Dying leaves and shoots are visible in summer.
  • Dark patches on leaves during mid to late summer.
  • Wilting leaves that turn black and drop early.
  • New epicormic growth appearing from previously dormant buds.
  • The formation of lesions (often diamond shaped) where limbs join the trunk.

Even ash trees that have the ability to fend off the disease, suffer sustained attacks year after year and sooner or later succumb and perish. Because it is an airborne disease there's no clear technique for stopping its spread, and no known cure for ash dieback.

Whilst the Forestry Commission's "Tree Alert Service" is currently only interested in hearing about cases reported in new areas where the disease hasn't previously been recorded, if you are concerned about an ash tree on your property in Stone, you should call in a local arborist or tree surgeon to confirm the diagnosis and suggest a plan of action.

(Tags: Symptoms of Ash Dieback, Ash Dieback Stone, Spotting Ash Dieback).

Preventing Storm Damage

Of all the living things in our gardens, trees appear to be the sturdiest, strongest and the most able to stand up to the vagaries of Mother Nature. The lifespan of most trees far eclipses that of humans or animals, and actually certain types like sweet chestnuts, yews and oaks can survive for hundreds (even thousands) of years.

However, they can be extremely susceptible to the elements when confronted by a certain set of conditions, and it is not only the risk of falling limbs or branches, but in extreme circumstances the entire tree can fall over. The principal weather related issue for trees is wind, and as the number of severe weather events and storms in Stone escalates because of climate change, this sort of damage is becoming more and more common. Flooding or prolonged periods of rainfall can cause soil to become waterlogged, which is another issue for larger trees, as is heavy snowfall during wintertime.

To prune and remove any dead or overhanging branches that might cause a problem in times of severe weather, it is a good idea to get a professional Stone tree surgeon to examine your trees fairly regularly.

It is also important to fit taller trees with lightning rods, copper conductors, or other protection systems, to stop them getting struck by lightning, and to protect surrounding property and buildings which might be susceptible to side-flashes ("jumps"). A tree that is struck by lightning can be severely weakened or even killed, a weakened tree can be left vulnerable to disease, decay or pests - not a happy situation! You might not think that lightning strikes are all that common, yet in the UK there are approximately 300 thousand strikes each year.

Your local Stone tree surgery firm will be able to offer advice on what can be done to protect your trees from storm damage, and lower the risk of mishaps taking place because of this.

Skills Required by a Tree Surgeon in Stone

  • Be capable of using, maintaining and repairing tools and equipment.
  • To be able to complete common tasks on a hand-held device or computer.
  • Physical skills such as co-ordination and movement.
  • Be professional and capable of completing tasks within a specified period.
  • Have patience and the ability to stay focused in stressful circumstances.
  • Good customer skills.
  • Good knowledge of public safety measures.
  • To be thorough and pay close attention to detail.
  • The cabability to work happily with others.
  • Be alert to the complexities and dangers involved in all areas of the work.
  • Have the ability to work well with your hands.

Tree Surgery Tasks Stone

Tree Surgery Tasks Stone UK

Stone tree surgeons will likely help you with decompaction, hazard assessment, tree felling Stone, crown removal, woodchipping, tree planning, coppicing, vegetation management, tree maintenance, shielding trees from grazing animals, stump treatment, pollarding, tree shaping, damaged tree cutting and removal Stone, crown reduction, forestry management Stone, repair of storm damaged trees, dead-wooding, root pruning, hedge laying, dead wooding, tree staking, safety inspections in Stone, tree dismantling, tree watering in Stone, hedge reduction, hedge trimming, tree fertilising in Stone, waste removal, retrenchment pruning, crown thinning, crown lifting, site clearance in Stone, drop crotching Stone, hedge lowering and other tree surgeon services in Stone, Staffordshire. These are just a few of the activities that are undertaken by local tree surgeons. Stone companies will be happy to tell you about their full range of services.

Tree Surgeons Near Stone: Also find: Stonefield tree surgeons, Barlaston tree surgeons, Cold Meece tree surgeons, Weston tree surgeons, Cotes Heath tree surgeons, Cresswell tree surgeons, Great Bridgeford tree surgeons, Walton tree surgeons, Fulford tree surgeons, Hilderstone tree surgeons, Rough Close tree surgeons, Sandon tree surgeons, Tittensor tree surgeons, Little Stoke tree surgeons, Milwich tree surgeons, Moddershall tree surgery and more. All these places are covered by experienced tree surgeons. Stone property owners and others can get tree surgery estimates by clicking here.

(Sourced from tree surgeons Stone text version three.)

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(This tree surgeons Stone page was created on 28-06-2024)