Tree Surgeons Blackwater

Blackwater Tree Care & Tree Surgery Services

Blackwater Tree Surgeons (GU17): So, you care for your lovely garden and enjoy completing the many gardening jobs that arise through the year. However, there are a few specific tasks which you should not really attempt by yourself. One of those tasks is tree surgery. If you have any task that needs doing to your trees in Blackwater, aside from simple pruning, it's essential to employ a qualified tree surgeon.

Blackwater Tree Surgery Quotes

Tree surgeons are hired for all kinds of reasons concerning trees and their care. The most common apart from addressing hazardous or wind damaged trees are creating tree maintenance or management plans to keep your trees in good condition, getting rid of old tree stumps which are in the way, surveying trees for disease or damage so that these problems are tackled early doors and reducing or thinning trees to let more light into the garden. The removal of dangerous or damaged trees is obviously their most visible function, and you will often notice them hard at work after storms and gales.

Tree Surgeon Blackwater Hampshire

Before employing any tree surgeon you should make certain that they're members of the Arboricultural Association, the main professional body for tree surgeons within the United Kingdom. They must also have the correct public liability insurance to cover for any accidents or mishaps, and ought to be ready to guide you through filling in applications for approval to do the tree work from the local authority. A tree survey needs to be completed prior to any work beginning to verify that your trees are not protected by a Tree Preservation Order or located within a Conservation Area.

The safety of your family and your property as well as that of the tree surgeon himself (or herself), is the main concern whilst this sort of work is happening. So you must make sure that the tree surgeon will turn up with all of the necessary tools and equipment and has got the knowledge to apply them effectively. For anybody that is well equipped and who knows precisely what they're up to, tree surgery is a relatively simple undertaking.

Tree Surgeons Blackwater (GU17)

Using tree climbing and surgery gear should be second nature to a professional tree surgeon, and he or she will willingly start work using pole saws, winches, climbing ropes, lowering pulleys, chain saws, stump grinders, slackline kits, rigging ropes, harnesses, axes, wood chippers and rigging plates. This equipment can be very innovative and has been produced to render the tree surgery procedure both safer and simpler.

A considerable amount of waste materials are naturally created in the tree surgery process and this has to be removed and responsibly got rid of. This ought to be included in the original estimate, so ensure that this is so. The ethical disposal of waste is really a duty of care for all tree surgeons, and so be suspicious of anyone that can't show that this in fact applies to them.

Tree Surgery Blackwater (01276)

Blackwater tree surgeons offer their services throughout the town, although you needn't worry if your home is outside Blackwater since they will all be glad to travel to places such as Eversley, Darby Green, Frogmore, Hazeley Heath, Hawley, Minley Manor, Minley, Cricket Hill, Eversley Cross, Hartfordbridge etc. Consequently, this information will be to your benefit whether you're looking for a reputable tree surgeon in Blackwater, or in the wider areas of Hampshire or adjoining counties.

Tree surgeons don't simply climb, chop down and prune trees using specialized tools and equipment, they also deal with their conservation and protection. By means of attentive observation they're able to highlight potential hazards which could put passers by at risk. Making certain that trees are disease-free, healthy and in a position to prosper and survive, is an integral part of their responsibilities.

Click For Tree Surgery Estimates in the Blackwater Area

Tree surgery is widely available in Blackwater and also in: Eversley, Darby Green, Frogmore, Hazeley Heath, Hawley, Minley Manor, Minley, Cricket Hill, Eversley Cross, Hartfordbridge, and in these postcodes GU17 0JP, GU17 0NE, GU17 0PN, GU17 0AH, GU17 0BE, GU17 0EQ, GU17 0LF, GU17 0HQ, GU17 0AY, GU17 9AZ. Local Blackwater tree surgeons will probably have the postcode GU17 and the telephone code 01276.

If you need this sort of service it is certainly advisable to bring in a qualified tree surgeon. Blackwater home and property owners can substantially benefit from the skills and dexterity that a trained professional can offer.

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

A damaging fungal disease which is likely to decimate around 80 percent of the current UK ash tree stocks, over the next few years, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) was first reported in Great Britain in 2012, when a nursery imported a significant number of trees from the Netherlands. Ash dieback is likely to have a huge impact on our beloved countryside, exacerbating the destruction resulting from the Dutch Elm Disease (DED) crisis.

A lethal disease of trees of the Fraxinus genus, ash dieback has a particularly devastating effect on the Fraxinus excelsior (common ash), British Fraxinus excelsior (common or European ash). Originating in eastern Asia, the fungus which causes ash dieback is named Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.

Ash dieback has now spread to most parts of Britain, and is dispersed by wind blown spores which can travel for tens of miles, accelerating the whole process.

Ash dieback can be recognised by symptoms like:

  • Leaves with dark patches that appear during mid to late summer.
  • The formation of lesions (often diamond shaped) where limbs meet the trunk.
  • Leaves and shoots that are visibly dying during the summer.
  • Foliage that wilts, turns black and falls early.
  • New epicormic growth appears from previously dormant buds (common in stressed trees).

Some ash trees have the tenacity to resist initial infections of the disease, but as it returns year after year, they eventually perish. There is presently no effective treatment for chalara ash dieback, and no clear-cut strategy for stopping it spreading.

While you can report instances of ash dieback to the Forestry Commission's "Tree Alert Service", it's so commonplace throughout the UK that they're really only interested to know about cases that are discovered in areas not affected previously. If you believe you have a tree suffering from ash dieback in your garden in Blackwater, you can still get in touch with a local tree surgeon, who'll offer guidance and advice about how best to proceed - ultimately the tree or trees will have to be removed.

(Tags: Spotting Ash Dieback, Chalara Ash Dieback Blackwater, Symptoms of Ash Dieback).

Wood Chipping Blackwater

Wood Chipping Blackwater

Since large amounts of vegetation, branches and tree limbs result from the tree surgery process, the majority of Blackwater tree surgeons will utilise wood chipping machines to break down this material into manageable pieces. Speedily gobbling up as much as forty tons of material each hour, these powerful wood chipping machines can handle just about as much as you are able to feed into them. Even the smaller, more commonly used machines can process a respectable five tons per hour without much problem.

As well as providing a handy material that can be put to a number of uses including; biomass solid fuel, garden walkways, wood pulp, landscaping, mushroom cultivation, weed prevention, ecosystem restoration and mulch, chopping down waste material in this way makes it much easier to transport.

Typically, Blackwater tree surgeons will cart away all the wood chips that result from your tree surgery project, unless of course you want them for one of the previously mentioned uses, when they'll generally be glad to let you have some. Tree surgeons are a great source for wood chippings that you can use in your garden, even if you don't need any tree surgery work doing on your property in Blackwater. If you need wood chippings to be delivered then most tree surgeons will charge a fee for this, otherwise many will let you take them for free.

Well known brands of wood chipping machinery include Timberwolf, Hyundai, Forest Master and Forst.

Tree Surgery - Safety Aspects

Tree Surgery Safety Blackwater

One of the primary considerations with carrying out tree surgery in Blackwater is the safety aspect, as it can definitely be an extremely dangerous enterprise if conducted incorrectly. Unqualified or inexperienced "tree surgeons" are liable to take shortcuts and simply ignore accepted safety guidelines, which means that there might be failure to use cut resistant (chainsaw-proof) apparel (specifically leggings and safety boots), no protection from falling, in the form of harnesses, ropes and platforms, neglecting to cordon-off the work area to protect pedestrians and vehicles, falling timber and branches, an absence of head protection and not wearing eye or hearing protection. What may be in danger due to such inadequacies are the home owners, the actual tree itself, the street facilities, the groundsperson, passers by, nearby properties, the tree surgeon himself (person up the tree), fences and garden outbuildings, vehicles.

Accidents Through Tree Surgery

As I have already pointed out, the work that tree surgeons and tree care professionals in Blackwater undertake, involves a significant level of danger. When working on trees, there is a clear risk of injuries to both operatives, co-workers and passers-by, so all possible safety measures should be implemented.

It would seem (according to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive)), that the use of chainsaws, falls from trees, and being hit by a falling tree or branch are the cause of the vast majority of fatal and major injuries that are related to tree work. In fact, the risk of being seriously injured is greater in tree care work than it is in the construction industry.

The most common tree surgery accidents are being struck by objects (cranes, branches, grapple hooks, ropes, trees etc), falling from ladders and lifting injuries, when it comes to insurance claims.

That is why hiring a professional Blackwater tree surgeon is so important when you have tree work that needs to be done. The majority of accidents that occur in the tree care sector are down to unskilled workers trying to carry out tasks that they're not properly trained in. So, always use a trustworthy and established company that's been working in the Blackwater area for a number of years, to sidestep this problem.

Firewood & Logs Blackwater

Firewood Logs Blackwater

Of course, you may need a tree surgeon for a totally different reason, since they're usually a great source for logs or firewood in Blackwater. As most of their life is spent chopping down trees and branches, it is hardly surprising that many would adopt this as a sideline.

Some Blackwater tree surgeons will charge you for seasoned and chopped logs which are dry and ready to burn, while others may be prepared to give you logs and branches cost-free, since they generally have lots of them to get rid of.

Logs having a moisture level of under twenty percent are perfect for burning on your open fire or log burning stove, and these will have been dried out for twelve months or more. The advantage of getting logs from tree surgeons, is that these are most likely to be hardwood logs, which will generate heat for many hours, and give a sustained burn. Softwood logs are great for starting a fire, so if you can get hold of a few of these too, that is going to be useful.

Chainsaws in Tree Surgery


Arguably the most common tool used by Blackwater tree surgeons, the chainsaw is also the most dangerous in the wrong hands. Because of their ease of use and portability, petrol driven chainsaws are the most popular with professionals, although battery and mains versions are available. For slicing effortlessly through thick limbs and tree trunks, petrol driven chainsaws are really the only effective option, being extremely powerful and able to deal with even the most demanding of tree work.

Consisting of a revolving chain containing a set of sharp teeth that cut through the bark and branches, a chainsaw is in fact a relatively simple piece of equipment. For the varied tasks that are called for, there are different designs of chainsaw, pole saws for hard to reach branches and long distance pruning, rear-handled for working on the ground (two handed) and top-handled for working at height (and which can be used single handedly if necessary).

Although holding onto a twirling blade whilst precariously balancing up a tree is definitely not the safest job in the world, it is rare to see a professional Blackwater tree surgeon who does not use a chainsaw in their day-to-day activities. All professional tree surgeons should be trained in the maintenance and safe use of chainsaws, and it is one of the main conditions for gaining membership of the Arboricultural Association.

The most popular makes of chainsaw used in Blackwater by tree surgery specialists are Hyundai, Husqvarna, Stihl and Makita, although of course there are countless different makes and models.

Dead-Wooding Blackwater

The process of dead-wooding (or deadwooding) is an essential element of tree care and management in Blackwater, and any professional tree surgeon will be able to offer you this service. Dead-wooding involves the careful removal of dead and dying branches that could present a hazard to property, vehicles or passers-by. There may be a number of different reasons why a tree's branches die, the most common being heavy shading, damaged roots, disease or pest attacks.

The rationale for removing dead branches is usually one of safety, nonetheless, it is also sometimes done for the benefit of the tree or purely to make it look more attractive. It is possible to dramatically improve the health of a tree by eliminating dead, damaged and dying branches, an excessive number of which will attract insect infestations and disease. Dead and decaying wood can also make a tree look unattractive, and by removing all of this, you can make it look more appealing.

Only larger dead branches will be cut out in most cases, as little risk is presented by the small ones. On the other hand, any dead limbs that are over 50 millimetres in diameter might need to be removed in locations where a tree overhangs a garden, a park, a house, a road or a public area in Blackwater.

Storm Damage Blackwater

Of all the things that grow in our gardens, trees appear to be the strongest, sturdiest and the most able to stand up to the vicissitudes of Mother Nature. Actually certain species of trees can survive for several hundred years and do so happily and without problems.

Even so, trees can be very vulnerable to the elements when faced with certain conditions, and it's not only the risk of falling tree limbs and branches, but in times of severe weather the whole tree can fall to the ground. The main weather related enemy of trees is wind, and as the frequency of severe weather events and storms in Blackwater escalates because of climate change, this form of damage is becoming more and more commonplace. Soil that becomes saturated during prolonged periods of rainfall or flooding can be another problem, as can heavy snowfall in winter.

So as to be prepared for any problems that could occur during severe weather conditions, it is a good idea to have a qualified Blackwater tree surgeon prune and remove any dead or overhanging branches, and check for any additional issues.

To prevent taller trees being struck by lightning, and to safeguard nearby property and buildings which may be affected by "jumps" or side-flashes, it's also recommended to fit them with lightning rods, copper conductors, or other lightning protection systems. A lightning strike can easily kill a tree, or drastically weaken it, rendering it more susceptible to disease and pest attacks. Lightning occurs more frequently than you might imagine, and there are about 300 thousand lightning strikes every year in the UK alone.

To safeguard your trees from storm damage and reduce the chances of severe consequences should an unstable tree topple over as a result of bad weather, ask your local Blackwater tree care specialist what they can do.

Cable Bracing Trees Blackwater

In particular situations where a tree is showing signs of damage, decay, or is a danger to nearby property or persons, a method called cable bracing will often be used to support the tree. This method is often used on older or valued trees in Blackwater, where the felling or removal of large unstable sections is undesirable for aesthetic reasons.

A cable bracing system can be used to support V-shaped forks, weak limbs and defective joints. Most tree surgeons in Blackwater should be able to conduct various forms of bracing work by the installation of cables and rods to redistribute structural stresses and considerably extend the lifespan of old and specimen trees.

Cable bracing does not cause additional damage to the tree by drilling and bolting the branches, and delivers a flexible and shock-absorbing means of support that is essentially non-invasive. A risk assessment, to guarantee the safety of the tree and adjacent areas, must be conducted prior to the commencement of any tree cable bracing project in Blackwater. (Tags: Tree Cable Bracing Blackwater, Cable Bracing Blackwater, Cable Bracing Trees Blackwater, Cable Bracing Techniques Blackwater).

Emergency Call-Outs Blackwater

If you've got trees growing in your Blackwater garden, there may be occasions when you have to call an emergency tree surgeon. Tree surgeons in Blackwater typically expect to receive a huge surge in emergency call-outs when there are storms and strong winds, which is why many of them offer a 24/7 service to cater for this eventuality. Even though the risk of an entire tree falling down are slim, there is more potential for branches breaking off and tumbling to the ground below, during gusty weather. When tree limbs and branches start to fall squashed sheds, damaged fences, cracked greenhouses and broken garden furniture are a common result, therefore prevention is better than having to deal with the aftermath.

Emergency tree care services will also often be essential to the local authorities in the Blackwater area, since large branches can snap off and crash onto public footpaths, railway lines and highways, needing prompt and speedy attention.

Further problems could also arise after the emergency tree work has been completed, because when a tree has lost some of it's larger limbs, it could be uneven or lopsided, with an uneven weight distribution - therefore "re-balancing" may be necessary. To deal with all of these various problems, you should get in touch with a local Blackwater tree surgeon who offers emergency services. (Tags: Emergency Tree Surgery Blackwater, Emergency Tree Services Blackwater, Tree Care Emergencies Blackwater, Emergency Call-Outs Blackwater).

Tree Transplanting Blackwater

Tree Transplanting Blackwater (01276)

Transplanting trees and moving them to other places has become a fairly simple process since the development of tractor mounted tree spades and other nifty tree lifting equipment. Fully developed trees can be replanted onto new properties to accomplish an instantly landscaped appearance, or out-of-control wooded areas could be thinned without needing to stoop to tree felling.

Moving a tree in Blackwater is less stressful on the root system and wellbeing of the tree in the winter and autumn, but it can be done during the warmer months by soaking the ground thoroughly before removal. Transplanting an adult tree involves a mechanical tree spade digging down and encircling the main root-ball, before raising the entire tree, uninjured, from the ground. The tree can then be replanted or stored temporarily before its re-planting in its new home.

A professional tree moving business in Blackwater will liaise with local authorities to ensure local regulations and preservation orders are complied with at all stages of the tree moving and transplantation procedure. (Tags: Tree Transplanting Blackwater, Tree Moving Blackwater, Tree Replanting Blackwater).

Coming Soon:

The Care of Beech Trees (article 6034).

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Blackwater Hampshire

Tree Surgery Tasks Blackwater

Tree Surgery Tasks Blackwater UK

Blackwater tree surgeons will likely help you with tree care, forestry management, decompaction, tree pruning, hedge lowering, coppicing Blackwater, brush cutting services, hazard assessments, stump treatment, eco plug treatments, tree dismantling, site clearance, commercial tree surgery Blackwater, vegetation management, tree removal, waste removal, drop crotching, tree staking, cut sealing, tree fertilising, hedge reduction, tree felling, landscaping, landscape clearance, tree reshaping in Blackwater, damaged tree cutting and removal, tree lopping, felling of storm damaged trees Blackwater, retrenchment pruning Blackwater, crown reduction, crown removal, crown thinning, stump grinding, woodland clearance, crown lifting and other tree surgeon services in Blackwater, Hampshire. Listed are just an example of the duties that are carried out by local tree surgeons. Blackwater companies will be delighted to keep you abreast of their whole range of services.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Blackwater

Tree Surgeons Near Blackwater: Also find: Hawley tree surgeons, Hartfordbridge tree surgeons, Minley tree surgeons, Minley Manor tree surgeons, Eversley tree surgeons, Frogmore tree surgeons, Hazeley Heath tree surgeons, Cricket Hill tree surgeons, Eversley Cross tree surgeons, Darby Green tree surgery and more. All of these towns and villages are catered for by local tree surgeons. Blackwater residents and others can obtain quotes by clicking here.

Tree Care Services Blackwater

Find a Tree Surgeon in Blackwater Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Blackwater Hampshire (01276)
  • Tree Reduction
  • Stump Treatment
  • Tree Management
  • Shrub Maintenance
  • Hedge Cutting
  • Tree Inspections
  • Stump Removal
  • Soil Terravention
  • Tree Cutting
  • Crown Reduction
  • Woodland Management
  • Eco-Plugging
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Vegetation Management

More Blackwater Trades: Needless to say, whenever you happen to be having tree surgery done in Blackwater, Hampshire, you are likely to need other garden related services, and apart from a tree surgeon in Blackwater, Hampshire, you could also need garden digging services in Blackwater, patio installers in Blackwater, landscapers in Blackwater, artificial grass installation in Blackwater, garden design and planning in Blackwater, SKIP HIRE in Blackwater, garden pond installation in Blackwater, fence builders in Blackwater, hedge shaping in Blackwater, garden sheds in Blackwater, garden decking in Blackwater, garden clearance in Blackwater, lawn mowing in Blackwater, garden waste removal in Blackwater, block paving in Blackwater, soil irrigation in Blackwater, and other different Blackwater tradespeople.

To find local info regarding Blackwater, Hampshire look here

Tree Surgery GU17 area, 01276.

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(This tree surgeons Blackwater content was generated on 28-06-2024)