Tree Surgeons Lakenheath

Lakenheath Tree Surgery and Tree Care Services

Lakenheath Tree Surgeons (IP27): So, you care about your beautiful garden and get enjoyment from sorting out all of the gardening duties that need doing during the year. However, there are certain specific jobs that you should never attempt by yourself. One of these chores is tree surgery in all its many guises. Should you have any task that needs to be done to your trees in Lakenheath, apart from tidying up or pruning, you must hire an accredited tree surgeon.

Lakenheath Tree Surgery Quotes

Tree surgeons are employed for a myriad of factors in relation to trees and their care. The most commonplace aside from managing unsafe or wind ravaged trees are forming tree maintenance or management plans to keep your trees in good condition, inspecting trees for disease or damage so that problems will be handled early on, thinning or reducing trees to let more light into your garden and removing old tree stumps that are in the way. The making safe of damaged or dangerous trees is naturally their most obvious function, and you'll often observe them working hard after storms and gales.

Tree Surgeon Lakenheath Suffolk

It's not only because of safety concerns that you mustn't do your own tree work, additionally there are inspections and checks to be done. The might live within a Conservation Area or your trees might be subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TOP), both of which will influence what can be done. A registered tree surgeon will be quite capable of helping you with all of this stuff and should additionally be associated with the Arboricultural Association, to offer you reassurance in regards to any work that's being done. Suitable public liability insurance is necessary where tree care is concerned, so be sure that your tree surgeon is properly covered.

Safety is obviously the major worry when undertaking any type of tree surgery in Lakenheath, and your chosen tree surgeon must be conversant with all of the appropriate safety measures. He will bring all the essential tools and equipment to work safely on your trees and make sure that they're not in any way harmed, nor any damage is inflicted on your loved ones or your home while any work progresses.

Tree Surgeons Lakenheath (IP27)

Using climbing and tree surgery gear is second nature to a skilled tree surgeon, and he'll happily start work using rigging pulleys, pole saws, stump grinding machines, harnesses, climbing ropes, loppers, slacklines, winches, chain saws, wood shredders, rigging ropes and lowering winches. Much of this equipment is very elaborate and has been designed over the years to render the tree surgery procedure both safer and simpler.

You should ensure your tree surgeon will responsibly remove and dispose of all the waste from your premises once completed. Properly disposing of any generated tree waste and materials should be a legal responsibility for any reputable tree surgeon. It's necessary that they have a waste carriers licence and that the waste wood (sometimes called "arisings") is taken away from your property and dumped properly.

Tree Surgery Lakenheath (01842)

Tree surgeons don't only do their thing in Lakenheath, but also in adjoining villages and areas like Isleham, Stuntney, Weeting, Prickwillow, Lackford, Feltwell, Queen Adelaide, Lynford, Elvedon, Eriswell, Kenny Hill, Wangford, Barnham, Little Eriswell, Culfordheath, Beck Row, West Tofts, Mundford and the like. Subsequently, this information will be helpful to you whether you are trying to find a reputable tree surgeon in Lakenheath, or in the wider areas of Suffolk or bordering counties.

In addition to the climbing, pruning and removal of trees with the help of specialized tools and machinery, tree surgeons are additionally required to assist in the protection and preservation of trees. Observing and understanding the safety aspects of trees, to highlight potential risks is also an element of their duties. A vital part of their obligations is making certain that trees are disease-free, healthy and able to thrive and survive.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Lakenheath Area

Tree surgery is widely available in Lakenheath and also in: Isleham, Stuntney, Weeting, Prickwillow, Lackford, Feltwell, Queen Adelaide, Lynford, Elvedon, Eriswell, Kenny Hill, Wangford, Barnham, Little Eriswell, Culfordheath, Beck Row, West Tofts, Mundford, and in these postcodes IP27 9PL, IP27 9EU, IP27 9ES, IP27 9LP, IP28 8DA, IP27 9LY, IP27 9HU, IP27 9EP, IP27 9HL, IP27 9HJ. Locally based Lakenheath tree surgeons will most likely have the telephone code 01842 and the postcode IP27.

For this type of service it's definitely far better to hire a qualified tree surgeon. Lakenheath property owners can benefit from the knowledge and skills that are the trademark of a fully trained professional.

Dead-Wooding Lakenheath

The process of dead-wooding (or deadwooding) is an essential element of tree management and care in Lakenheath, and any decent tree surgeon will be able to offer you this service. Dead-wooding involves the careful removal of dying and dead branches that could present a danger to vehicles, passers-by or buildings. The branches of trees can die for a number of reasons, with root damage, diseases, excessive shading or attack by pests, recognised as the most typical.

Even though safety is of course the most frequent reason for dead-wooding a tree, it's quite often done to make the tree more attractive, or so that the tree itself will benefit from the process. Disease and insect infestation can be attracted by an excess of dead, damaged and dying branches, therefore the tree's health can be radically improved by eliminating those dead branches. You can also improve a tree's appearance through this process, as trees with lots of dead wood can also look very ugly.

Only large dead branches will typically be removed, as in most cases the smaller ones will not pose much of a risk. Nonetheless, where a road, a house, a park, a public area or a garden in Lakenheath is overhung by trees, any dead wood of over fifty millimetres diameter may have to be removed. (Tags: Dead-Wooding Surgery Lakenheath, Deadwooding Trees Lakenheath, Dead-Wooding Lakenheath, Deadwooding Lakenheath).

Tree Surveys Lakenheath

There are a variety of reasons why you may require a tree survey, and the most commonplace is for property extension or development. As laid out by British Standards BS5837 (2012), if you happen to be clearing some land to prepare for the building of an extension to an existing property or a brand new house in Lakenheath, and trees exist on that land, you might need to do a professional tree survey. Tree surveys on both private and public property should be handled by a qualified arboricultural surveyor or tree surgeon in Lakenheath.

A whole bunch of information about the trees within a specified area will be produced by a correctly done tree survey. For instance:

  • The existence of any Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).
  • The ages of the trees (i.e. young, semi-mature, mature, over-mature and veteran).
  • A tree reference number for every tree.
  • The branch spread to West, North, South and East.
  • The physiological and structural health of the trees.
  • Guidelines for tree management.
  • The height of each tree in metres.
  • The expected lifespan of the trees.
  • The species of trees on the site.
  • The diameter of each tree (taken 1.5m above the ground).
  • The number of trees (those of over 75mm diameter 1.5m from ground level).

You will probably not need to carry out a tree survey if you are doing work on an existing home in Lakenheath but you're not increasing the footprint of the building and aren't changing the service lines or access points.

Eco-Plugging Lakenheath

If you want to remove a substantial tree stump from your property in Lakenheath, the conventional method used by most local tree surgeons is known as stump grinding, which requires heavy specialist machines. However, these days "eco-plugging" is recognised as a less expensive solution to this issue. Eco-plugging is not just cheaper, but it's also ideal for use in hard-to-reach locations where there are stump grinding accessibility problems.

A highly effective treatment for killing tree stumps, eco-plugging has no effect on any nearby vegetation and trees. Eco-plugs can be utilised in all weather and at any time of the year, and they eliminate the tree stump by destroying the entire root system. Eco-plugs contain a form of crystalline glyphosate herbicide which is suitable for a wide range of trees, and is 95% to 100% effective. (Tags: Eco-Plugging Tree Stumps Lakenheath, Eco-Plugs Lakenheath, Eco-Plugging Lakenheath, Eco-Plug Treatment Lakenheath).

Removing Tree Stumps Lakenheath

When a tree needs felling and removing in your garden in Lakenheath, you will also need to think about the tree stump. You may be contemplating using the tree stump as a garden seat or some other useful feature, and might be quite happy to leave it in position until it rots away with time. However, stumps left in your garden can send out suckers in an effort to regrow themselves, and substantial tree stumps can take quite a few years to rot down, during which time they can become a trip hazard, and eyesore and the ideal home for undesirable fungi, bacteria and pests.

There are several ways that you can remove a tree stump, if you determine that this is the best course of action, though the 2 main choices are stump removal or stump grinding. In the following few sentences, we'll be looking at the various methods of removal.

Burning, digging out by hand or chemical treatment, are the three main techniques for getting rid of a tree stump. If you have plans to deal with a stump on your own, you could employ any of these techniques. If you're planning to bring in a tree surgeon to do the work, they will usually favour the aforementioned stump grinding technique, but a chemical treatment like eco-plugging may also be on the agenda.

Chemical Stump Removers: For chemically removing a stump you will need to acquire Resolva Xtra Tough Tree Stump Killer, Roundup Tree Stump Remover or Vitax SBK Stump Killer. Always read and follow the instructions to the letter for rates, timings and applications for these chemicals, and be mindful that they are toxic and often flammable. Your stump will take a few weeks to rot down and can then be removed with an axe and spade.

Hand Stump Digging: Digging by hand is fairly straightforward and will involve digging down, sawing through all the roots, and releasing the stump. For the final lifting out process you might need to use a cable ratchet winch. This is really hard graft and not for the faint-hearted or unfit.

Burning Tree Stumps: Be very careful if you use this approach to stump removal, because stump burning can be dangerous and could conflict with local laws. You will have to drill a few one inch holes in the stump, and pour in some vegetable oil, you will have to keep the holes topped up for several days until the stump is completely saturated. You should then pile up charcoal around the tree stump and set it alight. You will have to constantly monitor this until it's safely burnt out. When the fire has burnt out, you must make certain that it's fully extinguished and cooled down, after which you will be able to manually dig out the stump remains and roots.

You will find there are also other stump burning techniques, such as digging out underneath and lighting a charcoal or log fire in the hollowed-out root bowl. None of these burning techniques should ever be used if the tree stump is in close proximity to buildings, other trees or fences.

Tree Transplanting Lakenheath

Tree Transplanting Lakenheath (01842)

Moving mature trees is a delicate, but rather simple process nowadays, due mostly to advanced tractor mounted tree spades, tree lifting devices and other specialist machinery. Fully-grown trees can be moved and replanted onto new properties to achieve an instant landscaping look, or out-of-control wooded areas can be thinned out without the need to resort to tree felling.

Moving a tree in Lakenheath can be performed at any time of year, however in warmer summer months, soaking the ground becomes especially vital in order to cause as little stress as possible on the root system. To raise a tree from the earth a truck based mechanical spade is forced down into the dirt to surround the tree's root ball, before hauling the whole thing free. The tree can then be moved to its new home for re-planting, or kept in temporary storage until it is ready to be replanted.

An experienced tree transplanting business in Lakenheath will communicate with the local authorities to make certain that local regulations and preservation orders are observed throughout the tree lifting and transplantation process. It should be possible to obtain transplanting services in Isleham, Stuntney, Weeting, Prickwillow, Lackford, Feltwell, Queen Adelaide, Lynford, Elvedon, Eriswell, Kenny Hill, Wangford, Barnham, Little Eriswell, Culfordheath, Beck Row, West Tofts, Mundford, and Lakenheath. (Tags: Tree Moving Lakenheath, Tree Transplanting Lakenheath, Tree Replanting Lakenheath).

Tree Cable Bracing Lakenheath

Cable bracing is a method which is used to support a tree when it is showing signs of damage, decay, or poses a risk to nearby property (or persons). When older or valued trees in Lakenheath are involved, cable bracing is generally used where it is unsatisfactory to fell a tree or cut out large sections that are unstable.

A cable bracing set-up can be implemented for adding support to V-shaped forks, defective joints and weak tree limbs. Undertaking various types of bracing work, a tree care specialist should be able to use rods and cables to help redistribute structural stresses, and ideally extend the lifespan of specimen trees in Lakenheath.

A non-invasive technique, that doesn't damage the tree by drilling and bolting the problematic branches, cable bracing provides shock-absorbing and flexible support. Before any actual cable bracing work can start, a thorough risk risk assessment must be conducted to guarantee the safety of the tree and encircling areas. (Tags: Cable Bracing Lakenheath, Cable Bracing Methods Lakenheath, Cable Bracing Trees Lakenheath, Tree Cable Bracing Lakenheath).

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

First recorded in the United Kingdom in 2021, ash dieback is a dangerous fungal disease that's likely to decimate approximately 80% of the current ash trees, over the next few years. Set to have an immense impact on our beloved countryside, ash dieback is likely to be just as devastating as the earlier epidemic of Dutch Elm Disease (DED).

A disease that affects the Fraxinus genus of trees, it has a particularly devastating effect on Fraxinus excelsior, the common ash that is native to the British Isles. Thought to have originally come from Asia where the native species of ash (the Manchurian ash and the Chinese ash) were less susceptible, the fungus which causes the disease is called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, and it blocks its vascular systems, causing it to die.

Already present in most regions of Great Britain, ash dieback is dispersed by tiny spores that blow on the wind, and released from the fruiting bodies of the fungus, and are able to travel for tens of miles.

Ash dieback has an effect on trees of all ages and has the following symptoms:

  • Leaves with dark patches that develop during mid to late summer.
  • Leaves that wilt, turn black in colour and fall prematurely.
  • New growth appearing from previously dormant buds (epicormic growth).
  • The formation of lesions where limbs meet with the trunk.
  • Dying shoots and leaves which are visible during the summertime.

Some ash trees are seen to repel early infections of the disease, but as it returns year-on-year, they eventually die. As it is an airborne disease there's no clear procedure for stopping its spread, and no recognised cure for chalara ash dieback.

If you think a tree in your local neighbourhood is contaminated with ash dieback, or you are nervous about a tree on your property in Lakenheath, you should bring in a local tree surgeon to affirm the diagnosis, and you can then report it to the "Tree Alert Service" provided by the Forestry Commission, although they're currently only interested in hearing about cases in areas that were previously unaffected.

Trees which are affected by ash dieback: Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus angustifolia, Fraxinus mandschurica, Fraxinus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus americana, Fraxinus ornus.

Tree Surgery - Safety Aspects

Tree Surgery Safety Lakenheath

One of the main concerns with tree surgery in Lakenheath is the safety aspect, given that it is an extremely dangerous procedure if conducted badly. There are a number of things that can lead to injury or disaster if the folks carrying out the tree surgery are unqualified or inexperienced. The most common concerns are little fall protection, in the shape of harnesses, platforms and ropes, not roping off the work area to safeguard passers-by and vehicles, not wearing hearing or eyesight protection, inadequate head protection, falling timber and branches and failing to put on cut resistant apparel (specifically safety boots and leggings). Because of such incompetencies, possibly vulnerable are team members working on the ground, the tree surgeon (person working in the tree), the actual tree itself, garden sheds and fences, nearby buildings, pedestrians, the people living in the property, facilities on the street, stationary and passing vehicles.

The ISA (International Society of Arboriculture)

A non-profit organisation that is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, the International Society of Arboriculture is usually referred to just as the ISA. Nurturing the professional practice of arboriculture, the ISA is a membership association serving the tree care industry across the world.

The ISA has its focus on best tree care practices, encouraging individuals in the tree care sector fully develop their skills, arboricultural expertise and knowledge, by promoting educational events, publications and services.

Since an agreement between the two was signed in mid-2016 the Arboricultural Association has been an associate organisation of the International Society of Arboriculture. This substantially strengthened the relationship between the 2 and provided further opportunities for ISA members in the United Kingdom and Ireland. UK members of the Arboricultural Association now reap the benefits of being part of a worldwide tree care network. Boasting over 22000 members internationally the ISA now has professional affiliates and associate organisations in Asia, Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Crown Thinning Lakenheath

Tree Care Lakenheath

The removing of a lot of the lesser branches towards the outer crown of a tree to produce a leaf density which is consistent throughout while not changing the shape or size of the tree, is called crown thinning. This kind of process is usually only carried out on broad leafed trees and is done to lower the tree's wind resistance, to stop the tree uprooting in strong winds, to lower the total weight of the crown of the tree, to permit more sunlight throughout or to minimize the stress put on larger limbs caused by snow, wind, ice, or gravity. Crown thinning should not transform the overall size and shape of the tree, but needs to create a uniform density of foliage surrounding equally spaced branches.

Save The Environment By Planting A Tree

Due to cutting down trees, we lose as many as six billion trees yearly. There is so much that is made from trees and this means there is a huge requirement in the marketplace. For instance, paper is needed both in the home and workplace and wood is used in the building of houses. And unfortunately, we need the items that the trees produce but we can do something about the depletion of our timberlands.

Despite the fact that we have Arbor Day, and all of us must plant a tree every Arbor Day, that is only taking care of a small part of the problem. Planting trees is not something that many people give any thought to. If each one of us could do our part and plant a tree, it would make a big difference.

There are around seven billion humans alive in the world now. Naturally, you can never be certain of the exact figures for this. However, if every of those 7 billion folks went out and planted a tree every Arbor Day, we would be replacing all the trees that were felled that year. But again, this is never going to occur.

Plant a Tree

If you want to preserve our planet, planting trees is a good step that you can take. I am not restricting this to planting trees on only one day of the year. Every month is a good target or why not weekly? We must try to make up for those individuals who never plant trees even though they go on using the earth's valuable resources.

Did you know that on Arbor Day, only about 8 and 15 million trees are planted? On that basis, we nevertheless need to take that figure up by a further 5 billion. And every year, it only continues to get worse.

A complete answer is necessary that still encourages people to plant trees but I would like to propose the following. If a law could be passed that every time a tree is chopped down by logging companies, they then had to plant two new ones, this could actually make a big difference.

Right now, this is not likely to happen and therefore the job to preserve the number of trees in the world is in our own hands. In fact, restoring the amount of trees required is absolutely attainable. The number of trees chopped down per year could be replaced if ten percent of the world's population planted one tree once a month. Roughly 7 billion new trees would be achieved by doing this. For the number of trees we need to return to, an effective net gain of 1 billion trees will be the way to achieve this goal.

Planting a tree is a way people can help the planet. Once more, it just takes 10% of our population to start making a difference. And you can be one of those people.

Coming Soon:

The Care of Beech Trees (article 6034).

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Lakenheath Suffolk

Tree Surgery Tasks Lakenheath

Tree Surgery Tasks Lakenheath UK

Lakenheath tree surgeons will likely help with decompaction, formative pruning, tree pollarding in Lakenheath, crown lifting, crown reduction, hedge reduction, the removal of dead wood in Lakenheath, tree bracing, emergency tree surgery, woodland clearances, waste removal, stump treatment, cable bracing, commercial tree surgery Lakenheath, hedge lowering, damaged tree removal, tree surveys, root pruning, woodchipping in Lakenheath, tree pest management Lakenheath, tree removal, residential tree surgery, tree watering, tree work in Lakenheath, tree felling, hedge planting, root removal, tree maintenance, tree planting Lakenheath, damage restoration, tree pruning, tree lopping in Lakenheath, site clearance Lakenheath, drop crotching, eco-plugging and other tree surgeon services in Lakenheath, Suffolk. Listed are just some of the activities that are conducted by tree surgeons. Lakenheath professionals will be happy to tell you about their entire range of services.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Lakenheath

Tree Surgeons Near Lakenheath: Also find: Barnham tree surgeons, Prickwillow tree surgeons, Little Eriswell tree surgeons, Kenny Hill tree surgeons, Eriswell tree surgeons, Lynford tree surgeons, Lackford tree surgeons, Isleham tree surgeons, Elvedon tree surgeons, Mundford tree surgeons, Feltwell tree surgeons, Stuntney tree surgeons, West Tofts tree surgeons, Beck Row tree surgeons, Weeting tree surgeons, Culfordheath tree surgeons, Queen Adelaide tree surgeons, Wangford tree surgery and more. All these places are covered by certified tree surgeons. Lakenheath business and home owners can get quotes by going here.

Tree Care Services Lakenheath

Find a Tree Surgeon in Lakenheath Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Lakenheath Suffolk (01842)
  • Tree Topping
  • Tree Removal
  • Soil Terravention
  • Hedge Planting
  • Crown Cleaning
  • Arboriculture
  • Hedge Cutting
  • Stump Treatment
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Site Clearance
  • Root Removal
  • Tree Felling
  • Woodland Clearance
  • Crown Reduction

More Lakenheath Trades: Undoubtedly, whenever you happen to be having tree surgery done in Lakenheath, Suffolk, you'll likely be in need of other garden related services, and apart from a tree surgeon in Lakenheath, Suffolk, you might additionally need artifical grass in Lakenheath, decking installers in Lakenheath, garden shed installation in Lakenheath, garden clearance in Lakenheath, landscaping in Lakenheath, grass cutting in Lakenheath, fence installers in Lakenheath, weeding in Lakenheath, hedge cutting in Lakenheath, rubbish removal in Lakenheath, SKIP HIRE in Lakenheath, driveway specialists in Lakenheath, garden wall construction in Lakenheath, patio cleaning in Lakenheath, pond installers in Lakenheath, garden planning and design in Lakenheath, and other different Lakenheath tradespeople.

If you're interested in local Lakenheath information go here

Tree Surgery IP27 area, and dialling code 01842.

TOP - Tree Surgeon Lakenheath

Crown Thinning Lakenheath - Tree Care Lakenheath - Tree Surgery Lakenheath - Tree Surgeons Lakenheath - Woodland Management Lakenheath - Vegetation Management Suffolk - Tree Pruning Lakenheath - Tree Surgeon Lakenheath - Tree Removal Lakenheath


(This tree surgeons Lakenheath page was written on 28-06-2024)