Tree Surgeons Chigwell

Chigwell Tree Surgery and Tree Care Services

Chigwell Tree Surgeons (IG7): You might think that you'll never require the assistance of a tree surgeon, though if you've got shrubs and trees in your garden in Chigwell, you should think again. If work ever needs doing on those trees, irrespective of whether for aesthetic or safety reasons, you should bring a professional tree surgeon in. You could be tempted to have a go yourself, but this would be a bad move and you could quite easily harm yourself or wind up in hospital.

Chigwell Tree Surgery Quotes

Tree surgeons are brought in for all sorts of factors pertaining to trees and their care. The most frequent other than addressing wind damaged or dangerous trees are formulating tree management or maintenance plans to keep your trees in good shape, reducing or thinning trees to generate more space and light in the garden, doing away with old tree stumps which are causing annoyance and monitoring trees for disease or damage so that such issues can be handled before they get worse. The removal of damaged or dangerous trees is of course their most visible function, and you'll sometimes see them at their work after gales and storms.

Tree Surgeon Chigwell Essex

It isn't purely for safety reasons that you shouldn't tackle your own tree work, there are also checks and inspections which need to be done. Your might live inside a Conservation Area or your trees could be subject to a Preservation Order, either of which influences what sort of work can be done. An experienced tree surgeon will be quite capable of helping you with all of this stuff and should additionally be registered with the Arboricultural Association, to offer you peace of mind in connection with work that's being undertaken. The appropriate public liability insurance is vital when it comes to tree related work, therefore ensure your chosen tree surgeon is adequately insured.

The safety of your property and your loved ones together with that of the tree surgeon, is the principle worry whenever work like this is taking place. Therefore you should make certain that the tree surgeon is armed with all of the essential tools and equipment and has got the knowledge to put them to use properly. For somebody that's adequately equipped and who knows what they're up to, tree surgery can be a fairly simple procedure.

Tree Surgeons Chigwell (IG7)

The equipment employed by tree surgeons has become quite elaborate in recent years, and its correct use gets the work done swiftly and efficiently. Any tree surgeon should however be acquainted with the use of things like rigging ropes, axes, pole saws, wood chippers, slacklines, lowering winches, chain saws, rigging pulleys, winches, stump grinding machines, climbing ropes and harnesses.

You have to make certain that the tree surgeon will ethically clear and dispose of all the waste matter from your property once completed. Carefully getting rid of the resulting tree waste and materials needs to be a moral responsibility for all legitimate tree surgeons. It's essential that they have a waste carriers licence and that the waste wood (sometimes called "arisings") is removed from the area and got rid of properly.

Tree Surgery Chigwell (020)

Tree surgeons don't only help with tree problems in Chigwell, but also in nearby villages and areas such as Lambourne End, Bournebridge, Redbridge, Fairlop, Little Heath, Abridge, Sewardstone, Gilwell Hill, Hainault, High Beech and so on. So, where ever you need a professional tree surgeon, whether it be in the Chigwell area itself or anywhere around Essex and the bordering counties, this info should be helpful to you.

Besides the climbing, pruning and removal of trees with the help of specialist machinery and tools, tree surgeons are in addition essential to assist in the preservation and protection of trees. By means of mindful observation they're able to spot potential hazards that could put the general public in jeopardy. Making certain that trees are disease-free, healthy and in a position to prosper and survive, is an integral part of their responsibilities.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Chigwell Area

Tree surgery can be provided in Chigwell and also in nearby places like: Lambourne End, Bournebridge, Redbridge, Fairlop, Little Heath, Abridge, Sewardstone, Gilwell Hill, Hainault, High Beech, and in these postcodes IG7 4AB, IG7 4QD, IG7 4QQ, IG7 4DA, IG7 4JX, IG6 2RT, IG7 4JL, IG7 5AE, IG7, IG7 4AG. Local Chigwell tree surgeons will likely have the postcode IG7 and the telephone code 020.

If you require this kind of assistance it is definitely best to use a reputable local tree surgeon. Chigwell property owners can benefit from the skills and knowledge that a trained professional can offer.

Dead-Wooding Chigwell

All experienced Chigwell tree surgeons will undertake the practice known as dead-wooding, which is an important element of tree management and care. Involving the careful removal or dead and rotting branches which could present a threat to buildings, vehicles or passers-by, dead-wooding helps to make a tree both healthier and safer. Tree branches can die off for a number of different reasons, with light deficiency, pest attacks, disease or a damaged root system, accepted as the most commonplace.

Although the usual reason for removing dead branches is that of safety, it's also sometimes done to benefit the tree, and for aesthetic reasons. A tree which has too many dead, dying and damaged branches is vulnerable to insect infestation and disease, so you can radically improve the health of a tree by eliminating these offending branches. Dead wood can also make a tree look unattractive, and by removing all of this, you can make it look more appealing.

Usually only substantial dead branches will be cut out, as small ones present little risk. Although, where a public area, a garden, a park, a home or a highway in Chigwell is overhung by trees, any dead branches of over fifty millimetres diameter may have to be removed. (Tags: Dead-Wooding Chigwell, Deadwooding Chigwell, Deadwooding Services Chigwell, Deadwooding Trees Chigwell).

Protecting Trees in Winter

Even though you might not feel that the weather conditions in the UK are severe enough to warrant protecting your shrubs and trees, it might be wise to take another look at this. In fact, even shrubs, plants and trees that we generally think of as being hardy, can benefit from a bit of added protection in the colder winter season.

Storms and high winds can cause the biggest problems when trees are involved, and although most of your trees will have shed all their leaves come winter, they might still be susceptible in severe conditions. If a tree on your property has been affected by wind, or is swaying and at risk of falling, a local tree surgeon must be brought in to perform an inspection. Heavy snow can also cause branches to snap, so keep an eye out when these sorts of weather conditions arrive. A good layer of mulch round the base of shrubs and trees (especially freshly planted ones), will help in keeping the roots frost-free and stopping them from becoming dehydrated.

Problems With Tree Roots Chigwell

Invasive Tree Roots Chigwell Essex

When they are growing too near to your house in Chigwell, some large trees have really intrusive root systems, and can cause problems. Among the most common problems are: lifting patios, blocked drains and damaged foundations. Sycamores, elms, maples and willows, are renowned for having extremely invasive root systems.

Problems can be avoided later on, if you make certain that you plant any new trees as far away as possible from your sewerage pipes, your house, patios and pathways. If you are already experiencing problems with pre-existing trees which are growing too near to your dwelling, you can get guidance and advice by bringing in your friendly local Chigwell tree surgeon.

To avoid the possibility of seriously harming the health of your tree or even killing it off altogether, you certainly shouldn't simply cut through the problematic tree roots in an effort to resolve this yourself. Understanding which roots should be left in place, and which roots can be safely cut back is the realm of the specialist, and a qualified Chigwell tree care specialist will ensure that the tree is still able to get ample food and water to survive successfully.

Underground drainage systems are very attractive to shrub and tree roots, as they provide a steady source of nutrients and moisture, and they can frequently suffer structural damage. Joint failure and blockages can arise when a drainage system's joints are breached by minute tree roots, which can eventually grow into massive root balls when they are established. By using either high pressure jetting, manual rod clearance or mechanical equipment, many Chigwell tree surgeons will be able to provide specialised root removal solutions.

Ash Dieback

First recorded in the United Kingdom in 2021, ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is a fungal disease which is likely to wipe out close to eighty percent of the current ash tree stock, over the next few years. Following the Dutch Elm Disease disaster, which decimated Great Britain's elm trees, ash dieback is almost certain to have huge ramifications for our countryside.

Trees of the Fraxinus genus are affected by this damaging disease, which has an especially devastating effect on Fraxinus excelsior (the European or common ash), which is the most widespread species in Britain. Thought to have originally come from eastern Asia where the native species of ash (Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus chinensis) were more resistant, the fungus which causes the disease is called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (H. fraxineus), and it obstructs a tree's vascular (water transport) systems, causing it to die.

Already present in most parts of the United Kingdom, ash dieback is dispersed by minute spores that blow on the wind, and released from the fruiting bodies of the fungus, and are able to travel for many miles.

Ash dieback can be recognised by symptoms such as:

  • New epicormic growth appearing from buds that were dormant previously.
  • Dying shoots and leaves which are visible during the summertime.
  • Dark brown lesions (often diamond shaped) form where branches meet with the trunk, and the inner bark under the lesions looks brownish grey.
  • Foliage that wilts, turns black in colour and falls early.
  • Leaves developing dark patches during mid to late summer.

To a certain extent, ash trees have the ability to fight the disease, however they ultimately perish after continual attacks year-on-year. There's presently no effective treatment for ash dieback, and no apparent method for stopping it spreading.

If you suspect a tree in your local area is suffering from ash dieback, or you're concerned about a tree in your garden in Chigwell, you should bring in a local tree surgeon to verify the diagnosis, and you can also report it to the "Tree Alert Service" provided by the Forestry Commission, although they're presently only interested in hearing about cases in areas that were previously unaffected.

Air-Spading Chigwell

There are various problems that could make the health of your trees a concern, however issues with a tree's root system are frequently the cause. A professional tree surgeon in Chigwell might need to access the roots to check for soil compaction, root rot, or other problems.

Because there's a high probability of causing damage to the roots during the digging process, until recently this was a tricky thing to achieve. A technique called "air spading" is used by some contemporary tree surgeons in Chigwell, and this allows compacted soil to be broken down and blown away by means of compressed air, which avoids causing any damage to the tree's root system.

The soil surrounding tree roots can sometimes become compacted by building work, passing vehicles or foot traffic, and this is recognised as having a negative effect on the general health of a tree. A tree can become "stressed" when it does not get adequate nutrients and water, which renders it more prone to attacks by pests, disease and insects. Air spading is also useful to resolve root flare problems, when the flare at the base of the stem becomes covered with soil, causing tissue breakdown, and heightening the chances of root decay.

Involving the use of an air-spade and an air compressor, this process directs air into the soil at high speed (twelve hundred miles per hour), this breaks it down by penetrating spaces in the soil, but leaves tree roots and utilities unaffected. Immediate inspection is possible, as the powerful flow of air blows the soil away from the roots. Any obvious problems can then be remedied and the soil exchanged for a looser layer of wood mulch and fertiliser to encourage the tree to revive.

Woodland Clearance Chigwell

Woodland Clearance Chigwell (IG7)

Clearing land by woodland clearance in the Chigwell area can have local and national regulations in place, contingent on where your ground is, and what bio-diversity is present in the space that is going to be cleared. A specialist tree surgeon in Chigwell can offer a full end to end service that will observe all covenants and laws on the land, and also complete the project an eco-friendly and ethical way.

An extensive habitat survey will be carried out by a professional tree surgeon who will also liaise with woodland organisations and authorities to make certain your woodland clearance is undertaken legally and safely. Mitigation strategies might need to be used if there is protected plant or animal species on the site; this could require the relocation of wildlife such as bats or reptiles, and the replanting of rare trees to another protected site.

The expensive and specialist felling, mulching and chipping equipment that is used in woodland clearance means that it's much more cost effective and efficient to hire a qualified tree surgeon to execute your project.

Removal of Tree Stumps Chigwell

When you've got a tree that needs chopping down and removing in your garden in Chigwell, there's also a tree stump to consider. You might be contemplating using the tree stump as a garden seat or some other useful feature, and might be happy to leave it in situ until it rots away with time. However, tree stumps in your garden can be trip hazards, can attract undesirable pests, and can even send out "suckers" in an attempt to regrow.

There are a number of ways that you can remove a tree stump, if you determine that this is the preferred plan of action, although the 2 key options are stump grinding or stump removal. Purely for the purposes of this section we'll be looking at removal rather than grinding.

There are three primary procedures that you can use to remove a tree stump - you can burn it, you can dig it out by hand or you can chemically treat it. If your intention is to do the stump removal yourself, any one of these procedures could be an option. If you're hiring a tree surgeon in Chigwell, they will generally suggest the aforementioned stump grinding method.

Chemical Stump Removers: A powerful chemical substance like Vitax SBK Stump Killer, Roundup Tree Stump Remover or Resolva Xtra Tough Tree Stump Killer, will be required if you opt to go with the chemical treatment option. When working with these you should closely follow the instructions, as such chemicals can be extremely hazardous. Depending on the dimensions of your tree stump, and whether it's alive or dead when it is treated, it can take quite a few weeks or perhaps even months for a tree stump to rot entirely, so look at this as a long term resolution. Once rotted, it can be chopped up with an axe and removed with a shovel.

Digging Out by Hand: Digging out a tree stump by hand will require an assortment of tools such as loppers, a chainsaw, a handsaw and a pointed spade. It involves digging down to uncover the roots, chopping the roots with loppers or a saw, and ultimately releasing the stump, or making it easier to pull out. For the final freeing up process you may need to make use of a winch. This is exhausting and laborious work.

Tree Stump Burning: Be careful if you choose this approach to stump removal, because it can be fairly dangerous and might be at variance with local legislation. The burning process involves drilling out a number of one inch holes into the tree stump, filling keeping them topped up with vegetable oil for a few days until saturated. You should then cover the stump with logs or charcoal and set it alight. A fire like this shouldn't be left unattended, and must be monitored until safe to do so. Once it's finished burning, ensure that the fire is completely extinguished, let it cool down and then dig out the remnants of stump and roots.

You will find there are also other burning strategies, such as digging out underneath the stump and setting a fire in the excavated root bowl. If the tree stump is in close proximity to other trees, fences or a building, you must not use any of the stump burning methods.

(Tags: Tree Stump Removal Chigwell, Removal of Tree Stumps Chigwell, Chemical Stump Removal Chigwell, Removing Tree Stumps Chigwell).

Crown Thinning Chigwell

Tree Care Chigwell

The elimination of a lot of the small branches at the outer crown of a tree to produce a leaf density that's uniform all over without altering the shape or size of a tree, is referred to as crown thinning. This kind of procedure is usually only done on broad leafed trees and is done to allow more sunlight inside, to lessen the total weight of the crown of the tree, to prevent the tree uprooting when it's windy, to lessen the wind resistance of the tree or to minimize the stress put on certain limbs because of snow, ice, wind, or gravity. The over-all size and shape of the tree ought not to be transformed by crown thinning, and should merely produce a uniform density of foliage surrounding consistently distributed branches. You will be able to find crown thinning specialists in Lambourne End, Bournebridge, Redbridge, Fairlop, Little Heath, Abridge, Sewardstone, Gilwell Hill, Hainault, High Beech, and Chigwell, Essex.. (Tags: Crown Thinning Chigwell, Crown Thin Chigwell, Tree Crown Thinning Chigwell)



The most common tool that professional tree surgeons in Chigwell use is the chainsaw. It's a versatile and effective tool, but in untrained hands, also a dangerous one. The preferred type of chainsaw with professionals is the petrol powered version, being easily handled and more mobile, although nowadays you can purchase mains operated and rechargeable battery chainsaws. Petrol driven chainsaws are the only serious choice for heavy tree work, being extremely powerful and able to cut through trunks and tree limbs of any proportions.

Comprising a rotating chain lined with a row of teeth that cut through the bark and branches, a chainsaw is essentially a fairly simple tool. Besides what drives them, there are also different designs of chainsaw for various operations, pole saws for hard to reach branches and long distance pruning, rear-handled for work at ground level (must be used with two hands) and top-handled for working at height (and which can be used single handedly if required).

While being high up in a tree with a rapidly twirling blade in your hand is a fairly dangerous thing to do, you will rarely see a professional Chigwell tree surgeon who doesn't use a chainsaw. All professional tree surgeons should be trained in the safe use and maintenance of chainsaws, and it is one of the key conditions for gaining membership of the Arboricultural Association (AA).

For anyone interested in purchasing a chainsaw in the United Kingdom, there are many makes available, but the most popular with professionals are Husqvarna, Stihl, Makita and Hyundai.

Stump Grinding

Stump Grinding Chigwell

If you have a need for specialist services like stump grinding in Chigwell, ensuring that you use a tree surgery company with the correct knowhow and tools is vital. Any decent tree surgeon in Chigwell will understand the need for eliminating every single bit of the tree stump to at least a twelve inch depth, so it will not re-grow. Having the use of the correct machines means that the tree surgeon will have the ability to grind stubborn roots and stumps within a few millimetres of buildings and walls while avoiding damage. This purpose built stump grinding apparatus is so flexible that it can even eradicate stumps that are located in passageways, alleys and similarly hard to get at places. Where really massive trees need to be removed the tree stump that is left can be fairly substantial and the main roots are going to go down to a significant depth, requiring a herculean effort to remove them.

Health and Safety Considerations

Tree Surgery Safety Chigwell Essex

Tree surgery can be a risky procedure if conducted in the wrong way, therefore one of the main considerations is the safety issue. Unqualified or inexperienced "tree surgeons" in Chigwell are liable to cut corners and just ignore accepted safety advice, which means that there might be not roping off the area to protect passers-by and vehicles, failing to put on cut resistant apparel (in particular boots and trousers), an absence of head protection, falling timber and branches, not wearing hearing or eyesight protection and little or no fall protection, in the shape of harnesses, platforms and ropes. In danger due to these inadequacies are vehicles, the people living in the property, pedestrians, the tree itself, the groundsperson, fencing and garden features, the property or home, facilities on the street, the tree surgeon (up the tree).

Storm Damage Chigwell

Although we're all acquainted with the power of Mother Nature, big trees seem sturdy, strong and able to withstand virtually anything. Certain tree varieties can survive and thrive with no issues for several hundred years, in particular sweet chestnuts, yews and oaks.

Even so, when faced with certain conditions they can be quite vulnerable to the elements, and it is not just falling branches and limbs that can be the result, but the entire tree can topple over in extreme circumstances. High winds pose serious problems for trees, and this sort of damage is becoming more and more common in Chigwell, as the number of violent storms and weather events escalates with climate change. Waterlogged soil during prolonged periods of rain or floods can be another problem, as can heavy wintertime snow.

To lessen the likelihood of problems with your trees in times of severe weather, it is advisable to get a certified Chigwell tree surgeon to examine them every so often, and trim any dead, dying or overhanging branches.

Taller trees can also have copper conductors, lightning rods, or other protection systems installed, to reduce the chances of them being struck by lightning and to stop nearby buildings and property being affected by "arcs" or "jumps" from one conductive path to another. Trees can be damaged, drastically weakened, or even killed by a lightning strike, they can be split down the middle, burned to the ground, or left susceptible to pests, disease or decay. Lightning is more common than you may think, and there are about 300 thousand lightning strikes each year in the UK alone.

If you're worried about the risk of storm damage to your trees in Chigwell, you should ask your local tree surgery firm what can be done to protect them, and minimise the risk of mishaps occurring.

Wood Chipping Chigwell

Wood Chipping Chigwell

As large amounts of vegetation, tree limbs and branches are the result of the tree surgery procedure, most Chigwell tree surgeons will utilise wood chipping machinery to reduce this material into manageable pieces. These impressive wood chipping machines can gobble up as much as 40 tons of material per hour, depending on the equipment being used, however the most frequently used devices will process approximately five tons per hour.

In addition to providing a valuable material that can be put to a number of uses including; landscaping, mulch in gardening, weed prevention, biomass solid fuel, mushroom cultivation, garden walkways, wood pulp and ecosystem restoration, chopping down timber in this way makes it a good deal easier to transport.

Typically, Chigwell tree surgeons will take away all the wood chips that result from your tree surgery, except when you need them for one of the above uses, in which case they'll usually be delighted to let you have some or all of them. Tree surgeons are the best source for wood chippings which you can use throughout your garden, even if you don't require any tree surgery work doing on your property in Chigwell. Wood chips are quite often available from tree surgeons free, although if you need them to be delivered there could be a fee.

Companies like Forest Master, Forst, T-Mech and Timberwolf, manufacture some of the most popular wood chipping machinery that is used in Chigwell. (Tags: Wood Chipping Services Chigwell, Wood Chipping Machinery Chigwell, Wood Chipping Chigwell, Wood Chips Chigwell).

Firewood and Logs Chigwell

Firewood Logs Chigwell

If you are searching for logs or firewood in Chigwell, tree surgeons are usually an excellent source for this particular commodity. This is not really surprising, as tree surgeons spend the majority of their time cutting down branches and trees.

Some Chigwell tree surgeons will sell you seasoned and chopped logs which are dry and ready to burn, while others may be willing to give you logs and branches cost-free, because they generally have loads of them to get rid of.

Bunging "wet" logs on your wood burner or open fire is not a good idea, and will generate a lot of smoke and block up your flue. Only use logs which have been dried out for a minimum of twelve months and have a moisture level of 20 percent or less. Tree surgeons in Chigwell will mostly have stocks of assorted hardwood logs and these are really good for a sustained burn which will generate heat for several hours. The drawback of hardwood logs is that they can be quite challenging to light, so if you can get hold of a few softwood logs, these are wonderful for initially getting the fire started.

Coming Soon:

The Care of Beech Trees (article 6034).

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Chigwell Essex

Tree Surgery Tasks Chigwell

Tree Surgery Tasks Chigwell UK

Chigwell tree surgeons will likely help with drop crotching, hedge reduction Chigwell, woodland management, safety inspections in Chigwell, crown cleaning Chigwell, stump removal in Chigwell, crown removal Chigwell, woodchipping, root decompaction, landscape clearing in Chigwell, commercial tree surgery, shrub maintenance, root grinding, hazard assessments, fruit tree pruning in Chigwell, tree work Chigwell, cut sealing, landscaping, tree cutting, tree planning Chigwell, tree felling, site clearance, tree lightening protection in Chigwell, crown thinning, tree removal, retrenchment pruning, soil terravention, eco-plugging Chigwell, damaged tree cutting and removal in Chigwell, damage restoration in Chigwell, tree maintenance, the protection of trees from grazing, dead wooding in Chigwell, stump treatment in Chigwell, tree fertilising and other tree surgeon services in Chigwell, Essex. Listed are just a handful of the tasks that are performed by tree surgeons. Chigwell specialists will tell you about their whole range of services.

Ways to Find a Tree Surgeon

Identifying a Tree Surgeon Near Me Chigwell (IG7)

Of the numerous techniques on hand to search for nearby trades-people in Chigwell like tree surgeons, one resource that's been used for the last few years is web-based directories. They are the modern day alternative of the now largely outdated Yellow Pages, that everybody in Great Britain at one time used to search out local services. Today people look in Touch Local, Yell, City Visitor, 118 118, Cyclex, Mister What, Local Life, Yelp and Thomson Local, although there are no guarantees using this technique because more or less anybody is able to advertise their services in these resources and being listed is no assurance of the quality of the work they do Also widely used nowadays is to search for quality tradespeople in Chigwell with the help of trade portals, amongst the favourite of these are Local Heroes, Checkatrade, TrustaTrader, My Builder, My Hammer or Rated People, and the principal benefit of these portals is that they highlight client testimonials and reviews about each tradesman signed up to the site. The last and perhaps even the best solution would be to ask family and friends to endorse a tree surgeon they have previously used.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Chigwell

Tree Surgeons Near Chigwell: Also find: Little Heath tree surgeons, Fairlop tree surgeons, Sewardstone tree surgeons, Redbridge tree surgeons, Bournebridge tree surgeons, Abridge tree surgeons, Gilwell Hill tree surgeons, Lambourne End tree surgeons, High Beech tree surgeons, Hainault tree surgery and more. All of these villages and towns are catered for by local tree surgeons. Chigwell home and business owners can obtain tree surgery quotes by clicking here.

Tree Care Services Chigwell

Find a Tree Surgeon in Chigwell Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Chigwell Essex (020)
  • Woodchipping
  • Tree Dismantling
  • Cable Bracing
  • Tree Reshaping
  • Tree Reduction
  • Site Clearance
  • Arboriculture
  • Tree Watering
  • Crown Lifting
  • Crown Reduction
  • Crown Thinning
  • Tree Replanting
  • Hedge Planting
  • Hedge Trimming

More Chigwell Trades: Obviously, when you are having tree surgery done in Chigwell, Essex, you'll likely need other garden related services, and together with a tree surgeon in Chigwell, Essex, you may also need soil irrigation in Chigwell, garden shed installers in Chigwell, fence fitters in Chigwell, grass cutting services in Chigwell, garden pond builders in Chigwell, patio installers in Chigwell, driveway specialists in Chigwell, garden clearance in Chigwell, decking specialists in Chigwell, garden digging services in Chigwell, hedge trimming in Chigwell, SKIP HIRE in Chigwell, landscapers in Chigwell, waste removal in Chigwell, garden designers in Chigwell, artificial grass installers in Chigwell, and other different Chigwell tradespeople.

To find local Chigwell info look here

Tree Surgery IG7 area, phone code 020.

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(This tree surgeons Chigwell article was written on 28-06-2024)