Tree Surgeons Bath

Bath Tree Surgery and Tree Care Services

Bath Tree Surgeons (BA1): Though there are plenty of maintenance tasks which you may do by yourself in your garden, you will find that there are some jobs which really should not be attempted if you do not know exactly what you are doing and you have the appropriate equipment and tools to do them in safety. One task that could fall into this area is tree maintenance. Though you may assume it is very simple to chop several branches off of a tree, there's far more skill involved than you might suppose. If this procedure isn't conducted at the right time and not done in the correct manner it is quite easy to cause damage to the trees, which may in the long run cost you more money than if you'd have hired a good tree surgeon to begin with. If there are more mature trees to be dealt with then you'd be unwise to even contemplate trying to lop them on your own, because, apart from anything else, you might possibly wind up in A&E with bone fractures or perhaps even something worse. And so, your priority ought to be to search for a decent tree specialist near you.

Bath Tree Surgery Quotes

There might be various reasons why you might consider it wise to get in touch with a tree surgeon, so it will be useful to run through some of them right now. Tree surgeons don't solely handle dangerous trees which could crash onto a road or property, as you will have witnessed following gales. They additionally accomplish stuff like establishing tree maintenance or management plans to keep the trees in good condition, eliminating old tree stumps that are being a nuisance, thinning or reducing trees to create more space and light in your garden and monitoring trees for damage or disease so that these problems are tackled right away.

Tree Surgeon Bath Somerset

It is not purely for safety reasons that you must not try to do work on trees yourself, there are also inspections and checks to be done. Your trees might be protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TOP) or you might live inside a Conservation Area, both of which will affect what can be done to your trees. A qualified tree surgeon will be able to help you with all of this and will almost certainly also be registered with the Arboricultural Association, to give you assurance in connection with work that is being carried out. Suitable public liability insurance is also necessary in relation to tree management, so be sure that your chosen tree surgeon is fully covered.

Of course safety is the paramount worry when undertaking any kind of tree work in Bath, and your tree surgeon should be acquainted with all of the appropriate safety measures. He'll have all the necessary tools to safely work on your trees to ensure that they aren't in any way harmed, nor is any damage inflicted on your family or your property whilst any work is being done.

Tree Surgeons Bath (BA1)

Using tree climbing and surgery gear comes naturally to a competent tree surgeon, and he'll willingly get to work using winches, loppers, climbing ropes, slacklines, chain saws, wood shredders, harnesses, rigging pulleys, lowering winches, rigging ropes, stump grinders and pole saws. Some of this equipment is very sophisticated and has been designed to render the practice of tree surgery both safer and simpler.

It is best to be sure that the tree surgeon will ethically clear and remove all the branches and waste from the area once completed. Properly disposing of any generated waste materials should be a legal responsibility for all legitimate tree surgeons. It's necessary that they hold a waste carriers licence and that the waste wood is removed from the area and disposed of properly.

Tree Surgery Bath (01225)

Tree surgeons do not solely ply their trade in Bath itself, but likewise throughout the encircling villages and areas like Batheaston, Limpley Stoke, Southdown, Bathford, Bathwick, Bradford on Avon, Twerton, Englishcombe, Combe Down, Widcombe, Corston, South Stoke, Weston and so on. Consequently, this article will be beneficial to you whether you are looking for an honest tree surgeon in Bath, or in the wider county of Somerset or neighbouring counties.

Besides the climbing, pruning and cutting down of trees by means of specialist machinery and tools, tree surgeons are also essential to help in the preservation and protection of trees. By means of mindful observation they are able to pinpoint potential hazards that may put passers by at risk. They are responsible for ensuring trees are disease-free, healthy and in a position to prosper and grow, giving pleasure to all.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotations in the Bath Area

Tree surgery can be provided in Bath and also in nearby places like: Batheaston, Limpley Stoke, Southdown, Bathford, Bathwick, Bradford on Avon, Twerton, Englishcombe, Combe Down, Widcombe, Corston, South Stoke, Weston, and in these postcodes BA1 0UD, BA1 0GQ, BA1 0JP, BA1 0TN, BA1 0LR, BA1 0EJ, BA1 0SN, BA1 0NU, BA1 0AZ, BA1 0DU. Locally based Bath tree surgeons will probably have the telephone dialling code 01225 and the postcode BA1.

For this kind of service it is certainly wise to employ a certified tree surgeon. Bath householders can substantially benefit from the know-how and skills that a trained professional can offer.

Tree Transplanting Bath

Tree Transplanting Bath (01225)

Transplanting fully-grown trees is a delicate, but relatively straightforward process, mainly due to advanced truck mounted tree spades, tree lifting equipment and other specialist machinery. Removing a tree from your land does not have to involve chopping it down and digging out the roots; a professional tree moving service in Bath can remove and re-plant even fully-grown trees and restore the disturbed ground afterwards.

Transplanting a tree in Bath can be executed at any time of year, but during the warmer summer months, soaking the ground becomes particularly vital in order to cause as little stress as possible on the root system. Excavating an adult tree will involve a mechanical spade burrowing down and encircling the tree's root ball, before lifting the entire tree, uninjured, from the ground. The uplifted tree can then be replanted or stored temporarily before its re-planting in its new home.

If you intend to move a tree from ground that's got a preservation order on it, an experienced tree moving contractor in Bath can communicate with relevant agencies to approve replanting in a suitable location. You will be able to get transplanting services in Batheaston, Limpley Stoke, Southdown, Bathford, Bathwick, Bradford on Avon, Twerton, Englishcombe, Combe Down, Widcombe, Corston, South Stoke, Weston, and Bath, Somerset.. (Tags: Tree Transplanting Bath, Tree Moving Bath, Tree Replanting Bath).

Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus)

Expected to wipe out around eighty percent of the current British ash trees, in the next few years, ash dieback is an infectious fungal disease of ash trees, the first case of which was documented in the UK in 2012. Ash dieback is going to have an immense impact on our countryside, exacerbating the damage resulting from the Dutch Elm Disease (DED) epidemic.

Trees of the Fraxinus genus are affected by this damaging disease, which has a particularly disastrous effect on the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), which is the native UK species. Originally coming from Asia, the fungus which causes ash dieback is named Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.

Ash dieback (or chalara ash dieback) has now spread to most areas of Britain, and is dispersed by wind blown spores released from the fruiting bodies of the fungus, and can travel for many miles, speeding up the whole process.

Ash dieback strikes trees of all ages and has the following symptoms:

  • Leaves with dark patches that appear during the summertime.
  • Leaves that wilt, turn black in colour and fall early.
  • New epicormic growth appearing from buds that were dormant previously.
  • Dark brown lesions (often diamond shaped) form where limbs meet the trunk.
  • Dying shoots and leaves which are visible during the summertime.

Even ash trees which have the ability to fight off the infection, suffer continual attacks year after year and eventually succumb and perish. Since it's an airborne disease there's no obvious procedure for stopping its spread, and no known cure for chalara ash dieback.

If you suspect you have spotted a tree suffering from ash dieback on your property in Bath, or in the area, you can report it to the "Tree Alert Service" provided by the Forestry Commission, although ash dieback is so commonplace all over the UK that they are only really interested in cases discovered in locations not previously affected. You should still however get in touch with a local tree surgeon, who will offer advice on how to proceed.

Trees affected - the genus Fraxinus.

Protecting Shrubs & Trees in Winter

Despite the fact that lengthy periods of intense cold are fairly rare in the UK it is still worthwhile to look at a few precautionary measures for protecting your shrubs and trees when the weather conditions turn sour. Even the trees, shrubs and plants that we normally consider to be hardy, can find the winter season hard to get through, particularly during the colder months, and they will always benefit from a bit of TLC and extra protection.

When you've got trees on your property in Bath, it is high winds that cause the biggest concerns, and they might still be vulnerable even though the majority of them will already have shed their leaves by wintertime, offering less wind resistance. If you are concerned about a tree's condition, or it seems like it could fall to the ground, you must contact a tree surgeon to examine it and do a risk assessment. Damage to trees can also result from heavy snowfall, therefore when this sort of weather is on the cards, keep your eyes open for issues. Protection from ice and frost might be required for some shrubs and trees (in particular ones that have been recently planted), and a substantial covering of mulch around their bases will help keep their roots from freezing, and enable them to continue absorbing moisture.

Air-Spading Bath

There are various issues that can have an affect on the health of your trees, and the tree's root system is an obvious place to consider whenever you have concerns. A certified Bath tree surgeon may need to access a tree's roots to check for soil compaction, root rot, or other problems.

Because there's a possibility of causing damage to the roots during the digging process, until recently this was a difficult thing to achieve. To successfully break down and remove compressed soil without causing damage to tree roots or buried utility lines, a contemporary technique which is often used by tree surgeons is "air spading".

When the soil around the flare of a tree gets compacted by passing vehicles, building work or foot traffic, the health of the tree can be badly affected. Because of a lack of nutrients and water, a tree can become "stressed", making it more prone to attacks by disease, insects and pests. Air spading is also good for resolving root flare problems, where the flare at the base of the tree becomes covered with too much soil, causing it's tissues to break down, and increasing the possibility of root decay.

This clever process involves the use of an air compressor and an air-spading tool which blows air directly into the soil at speeds of up to 1,200 mph, the air enters the spaces in the soil and immediately breaks it apart, whilst leaving tree roots and nearby utilities unaffected. As the compacted soil is forced away from the tree's roots by the powerful air flow, immediate inspection is possible. Any obvious problems can then be resolved and the soil exchanged for a looser layer of wood chip mulch and fertiliser to revive the tree.

Storm Damage Bath

When you look at a strong, sturdy tree standing proudly in your garden it is hard to picture it ever falling to the ground. In fact some types of tree can live for hundreds of years.

Yet, they can be quite susceptible to the elements when facing a certain set of conditions, and it's not just the danger of falling branches or tree limbs, but in times of severe weather the entire tree can fall over. The primary enemy of, and danger to trees, is high winds, and with escalating frequency of severe storms this form of damage has become more and more common in Bath. Heavy snow during winter can also cause issues, as can waterlogged soil resulting from flooding or extended periods of rainfall.

To lessen the chance of problems with your trees in times of severe weather, it's recommended that you get a competent Bath tree surgeon to examine them now and again, and trim any dead or overhanging branches.

To prevent bigger trees getting struck by lightning, and to protect nearby buildings and property which could be susceptible to side-flashes ("arcs"), it is also a good idea to fit them with lightning rods, copper conductors, or other lightning protection systems. A lightning strike can easily kill a tree, or seriously weaken it, making it more susceptible to disease and pest attacks. For any of you who feel that lightning is not all that common, there are something like 300,000 strikes in the UK annually.

Ask your local Bath tree care specialist what they can do to safeguard your trees from being damaged by storms and reduce the risk of serious consequences should an unstable tree crash down as a result of extreme weather conditions.

Save Our Environment By Planting Trees

If we look at annual figures, approximately three and six billion trees are being chopped down all over the world. There is so much that is made from trees and this means there is a big need in the marketplace. Such as timber to put up houses, paper for writing on and even toilet paper for, well you know. It is possible to act to save our forests although we must accept that many of the goods made from trees are needed.

Despite the fact that we have Arbor Day, and all of us must plant a tree every Arbor Day, that is simply taking care of a small part of the problem. The truth is, trees are not being planted by the majority of the population. It would help, obviously, if everyone participated and planted a tree.

There are around seven billion people in the world right now. Of course, you can never be certain of the precise numbers for this. Nonetheless, we could replace the trees that are chopped down annually if every one of those people did actually plant a tree on Arbor day. But again, this won't ever take place.

Plant a Tree

If you want to maintain our ecosystems, planting trees is a positive step that you can take. I am not limiting this to planting trees on only one day of the year. Once a month is a good objective or why not every week? We have to try to compensate for those individuals who refuse to plant trees even though they continue to use the earth's valuable resources.

Would you believe that on Arbor Day, only between 8 and 15 million trees are planted? That still leaves us with a 5 billion tree deficit annually. And each year, it just continues to get worse.

Whereas people have to make the effort to plant trees, I have an idea that may resolve this once and for all. If a law could be enacted that every time a tree is chopped down by logging companies, they then had to plant two new ones, this could really make a big difference.

Right now, this is unlikely to happen and hence the need to preserve the number of trees in the world is in our own hands. Trying to keep those tree numbers up will not really take a good deal of effort. For one, if only 10% of the people on Earth planted a tree every month, it would cover the amount of trees that are felled yearly. On an annual basis, this would equal to the planting of around 7 billion trees. In essence, this gives us a surplus of one billion trees and will go a long way to restoring the levels that are actually required.

Every individual concerned about the the environment can assist by planting trees. Once again, it only takes 10% of the total number of people in the world to begin making a difference. You're the only one who can decide if you want to help out.

Click For Tree Surgery Quotes in Bath Somerset

Recent Tree Surgery Requests

Bath Tree Surgery Projects

Reuben Rigby was in need of a tree surgeon to do the pollarding of a few trees along a path in his garden in North Curry. Ms Ayva Wallis from Wedmore, Somerset needs somebody to remove about 6 conifers of 150 - 200mm diameters. Lottie Saunders was looking for a local tree surgeon near Horton, Somerset to do eco-plugging. Mr and Mrs Inman need a proficient tree surgeon who will do some bush trimming and hedge cutting in their garden in Brent Knoll. Raymond and Philippa Rodgers were hoping to get a price quote from a tree surgeon in Wraxall who can totally remove an oak tree and a conifer, and trim back some other conifers in the garden of their terraced house. Mr Lucian Blackwell from Beckington needs somebody who'll trim a tall holly hedge down to a height of 6ft and clear up afterwards. Mr and Mrs Bartlett are looking for somebody who can cut back an oak tree that's overgrown a neighbours gardenin their home in Ashwick. Rayaan Burnett was asking about a tree surgeon who can cut back 4 conifers and remove all the waste in his garden in Winford.

Tree Surgery Tasks Bath

Tree Surgery Tasks Bath UK

Bath tree surgeons can normally help with tree cutting, staking in Bath, tree removal, tree surveys, monitoring of tree health in Bath, tree topping, tree work, decompaction, tree lopping, soil terraventing, site clearance, hazard assessments, hedge lowering Bath, woodland management Bath, retrenchment pruning, domestic tree surgery, drop crotching, tree fertilising, tree felling, crown cleaning, crown removal Bath, dead wooding Bath, vegetation management in Bath, cut sealing, damaged tree removal, crown thinning Bath, airspading, tree maintenance Bath, stump grinding, landscaping in Bath, stump removal, shrub maintenance in Bath, tree transplanting, crown reduction, crown lifting and other tree surgeon services in Bath, Somerset. Listed are just a handful of the duties that are accomplished by local tree surgeons. Bath specialists will tell you about their full range of services.

Contact a Tree Surgeon Bath

Tree Surgeons Near Bath: Also find: South Stoke tree surgeons, Bathwick tree surgeons, Corston tree surgeons, Southdown tree surgeons, Twerton tree surgeons, Combe Down tree surgeons, Batheaston tree surgeons, Bradford on Avon tree surgeons, Bathford tree surgeons, Weston tree surgeons, Englishcombe tree surgeons, Limpley Stoke tree surgeons, Widcombe tree surgery and more. All these areas are serviced by tree surgeons. Bath business and home owners and others can obtain tree surgery estimates by clicking here.

Tree Care Services Bath

Find a Tree Surgeon in Bath Here
Tree Surgeon Quotes Bath Somerset (01225)
  • Tree Maintenance
  • Air-Spading
  • Shrub Maintenance
  • Arboriculture
  • Eco-Plugging
  • Forestry Management
  • Woodland Clearance
  • Tree Replanting
  • Tree Dismantling
  • Soil Terraventing
  • Tree Lopping
  • Vegetation Management
  • Tree Planning
  • Tree Reduction

Around Bath

People living in the following Bath locations recently enquired about a tree surgeon: Cambridge Place, St Catherines Close, St Georges Place, Beaufort Avenue, Audley Park Road, The Street, Bathwick Villas, Bloomfield Close, Anchor Close, Dark Lane, Alder Way, Darlington Place, Barrow View, Summerlea, The Podium, Adelaide Place, Sawclose, Saville Row, Bloomfield Crescent, Binegar Lane, Applecroft, Brunswick Place, Bradford Road, Cranhill Road, Albert Avenue, Bathford Hill, Brookfield Park, South Road, Bathwick Hill, and in these nearby postcodes BA1 0UD, BA1 0GQ, BA1 0JP, BA1 0TN, BA1 0LR, BA1 0EJ, BA1 0SN, BA1 0NU, BA1 0AZ, BA1 0DU. Work was done in these locations by qualified tree surgeons. Bath residents benefited from competent and top notch tree surgery services on each occasion.

More Bath Trades: Not surprisingly, when you are having tree surgery done in Bath, Somerset, you'll likely be in need of other garden related services, and together with a tree surgeon in Bath, Somerset, you could also need patio installers in Bath, lawn mowing in Bath, fence installers in Bath, planting services in Bath, driveway pavers in Bath, SKIP HIRE in Bath, topiary in Bath, soil drainage services in Bath, decking fitters in Bath, garden clearances in Bath, pond maintenance in Bath, artifical grass in Bath, waste removal in Bath, hard landscaping in Bath, garden sheds in Bath, garden planning and design in Bath, and other different Bath tradespeople.

For the best local info on Bath, Somerset go here

Tree Surgeon Jobs Bath: Find Bath tree surgeon jobs here: Bath Tree Surgeon Jobs

Tree Surgery BA1 area, phone code 01225.

TOP - Tree Surgeon Bath

Tree Felling Bath - Stump Removal Bath - Forest Management Bath - Tree Management Bath - Crown Reduction Bath - Arboriculture Bath - Tree Care Bath - Tree Surgery Bath - Vegetation Management Bath


(This tree surgeons Bath information was updated on 28-06-2024)